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Physical & Chemical Changes Demonstration powerpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical & Chemical Changes Demonstration powerpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical & Chemical Changes Demonstration powerpoint

2 Physical Changes Physical changes are when the substance is still the same thing. It has only changed forms.

3 Size Cutting a log in half changes its size Breaking a piece of mossy zinc into pieces.

4 Shape Forming clay into a bowl changes its shape. Bending a piece of magnesium strip.

5 State Freezing water into ice cubes changes its state. Dry ice (frozen CO2) goes from a solid to a gas; this is called sublimation.

6 Chemical Changes Chemical Changes are when a new substance is produced that was not there originally.

7 Color (unexpected color change)

8 Clear liquid (ammonia) + clear liquid (PHTH)

9 Add PHTH to ammonia

10 = pink (unexpected color change)

11 Temperature (unexpected temperature change)

12 Ammonium nitrate + water

13 Starting temperature 20⁰ C

14 Add ammonium nitrate to water

15 a temperature decrease of 8⁰ C

16 Bubbles & Fizz

17 HCl + magnesium strip

18 = bubbles and fizz

19 New Substance (precipitate)

20 Milk + vinegar =

21 Swirl it around

22 Chunky stuff

23 Steel wool + vinegar = rust Another precipitate!

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