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11 Mobilizing young people to make an impact since 1993 Get REAL * Initiative * Racial Equity Awareness Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Mobilizing young people to make an impact since 1993 Get REAL * Initiative * Racial Equity Awareness Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Mobilizing young people to make an impact since 1993 Get REAL * Initiative * Racial Equity Awareness Leadership

2 22 Agenda ° Millennials and Race ° Introducing Net Impact ° Defining Racism ° Quick Exercise ° This is Get REAL ° In the Words of Some SUNY Students ° Brainstorming Exercise ° Next Steps

3 33 Millennials are the most racially diverse generation in history. 91% believe everyone should be treated equally. Data source: 2014 MTV/David Binder Research study on millennials & bias

4 44 But… “A generation that hates racism but chooses colorblindness is a generation that, through its neglect, comes to perpetuate it.” -Jamelle Bourie, Only 20% of Millennials say they are comfortable talking about racial bias. 48% of white millennials say discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against racial minorities. 73% believe never considering race would improve society. Only 37% say they were raised in families that talk about race. 4

5 55

6 66 Net Impact is the leading global nonprofit (501c3) that supports 18-35 year-olds to create a more equitable and sustainable world. Our 70,000+ members via 250 chapters work to improve their campus and community, while building skills to lead change in the workplace tomorrow. 6

7 77 Featured Programs Our 2015-2016 global impact programs give you the chance to stand up, stand out, and start making a difference right now.

8 88 How would you define Racism? Pair with the person next to you and briefly define what you think racism is. What is Racism?

9 99 Racism Defined

10 10 Empower the Next Generation leaders to enhance their ability to Get REAL (Race Equity Awareness Leadership) and lead us to a more equitable future! The opportunity

11 11 It’s time to Get REAL. Our Get REAL initiative has two main components: Scale essential race equity education through an open source curriculum. Recruit and support REAL student leaders for peer-to-peer influence. 1 2

12 12 To generate greater interest for future scale, we will broadcast program results on campus and other media. Interest already expressed by MTV, Edelman, and Triple Pundit. Deliverables to include pre and post survey results, student success stories, and testimonials.

13 13 “The Get REAL training was an amazing, eye-opening experience. The UAlbany community will greatly benefit from this training”. – Robert Warshauer, Comptroller UAlbany-SA “The group is looking forward to a very productive weekend and we are excited to make Net Impact and Get REAL part of this weekend program”. - Thomas Mastro, President, SUNY-SA "Diagnosis determines treatment. If we don't understand how we got here, we wont know how to handle the situations today”. - Chrisel Martinez, Chair, Committee of Equity and Inclusion, SUNY- SA SUNY-SA Voices

14 14 Brainstorm Ways to Bring Get REAL to Your Campus Break into small groups Identify current / recent racially-charged incidents on your campus Choose one incident and respond to these questions: ° How was that incident addressed? ° Which party(ies) led the action? ° How could Get REAL help to successfully address this incident? Ponder these points: ° How you as a student leader might insure your campus climate is safe and inclusive of students of all races / backgrounds. ° How you might successfully address inequity on your campus. ° If there is a gap that NI can fill, that is great but if there is already an org working on this, let’s partner—we do not need to reinvent the wheel but leverage existing work.

15 15 Next Steps: What Can You Do? Inform Net Impact of interest to potentially bring Get REAL to your campus Use the Get REAL mini-landscape analysis sheet to answer few questions to measure the racial climate on campus Establish a Net Impact Chapter! This might be the most appropriate channel for addressing racial equity on your campus as well as offering impact leadership skills and other Net Impact’s featured programs: Attend the 2016 Net Impact Conference in Philadelphia, PA

16 16 Contact ©2015 Net Impact | 1330 Broadway Suite 250 Oakland, CA 94612 | Harris Bostic II Net Impact Chief Program Officer 415.495.4230 ext. 339

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