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Rhwydwaith ABCh PSE Network 07-11-12 Felinfach Addysg Ariannol – Financial Education Jessica Roberts + Amy Jones + Rhian Arch-Rees.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhwydwaith ABCh PSE Network 07-11-12 Felinfach Addysg Ariannol – Financial Education Jessica Roberts + Amy Jones + Rhian Arch-Rees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhwydwaith ABCh PSE Network 07-11-12 Felinfach Addysg Ariannol – Financial Education Jessica Roberts + Amy Jones + Rhian Arch-Rees

2 Cyfleuoedd DPP - CPD Opportunities Cynhadledd Ysgolion Uwchradd - Secondary Schools Conference Internet Safety (Wisekids), Bullying & Domestic Abuse (Children in Wales), Drugs (PSLO & marc Lancett). £150 towards supply costs per delegate. Colwyn Bay – Jan 17 th / Llanelli – Jan 29 th / Nantgarw – Jan 31 st Making Sense of Global Citizenship - CEWC Wednesday 21 November 2012 – Temple of Peace, Cardiff £95 (CEWC member schools/colleges) / £120 (non-members) Grwp Tasg Cynradd - Primary Task Group 23 ain Ionawr = Addysg Ariannol, Addysg Perthnasau a Rhyw, Alcohol a Sylweddau a Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-Eang ( gan gynnwys cyfranogi) - 23 rd Jan = Financial Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Alcohol and Substances Education, Global Citizenship (to include participation) Dylai aelod o’r Rhwydwaith Uwchradd fod yn bresenol? Should representative of this group be present?

3 Diweddariadau - Updates Wythnos Atal-bwlio - Anti-bullying week Tachwedd 19 – 23 November 2012 – support and information - up to 25yr olds. PSE and SEN Nod Amcan 3 - Core Aim 3 – gofyn am Grŵp Tasg i edrych ar ddarpariaeth ABCh sydd ar gael i ddisgyblion sydd ag Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig - requested Task Group to look at PSE provision available for pupils with SEN. Show Racism the Red Card Dyddiadau wedi gosod ar gyfer sesiynau Saesneg. Dates set for English medium sessions. Holiadur Lles - Wellbeing Survey Beth mae’r disgyblion yn dweud? What have pupils told us? A oes gennych chi sylwadau am y canlyniadau? Do you have any comments regarding the results?

4 Faint o help mae’r wybodaeth a’r cyngor rwyt ti’n ei dderbyn yn yr ysgol am y pethau a restrir isod? Da neu’n eithaf da…CA3CA4+ Diogelwch rhyngrwyd a ffonau symudol80%72% Bwydydd a Ffordd o Fyw Iach81% Alcohol73%75% Rhyw53%58% Rheoli dy deimladau53%40% Perthnasau46%50% Rheoli dy arian44%37% Beth yw’r camau nesaf? Gweithgaredd Gwerthuso a Chynllunio What are the next steps? Evaluation and Planning Activity

5 Jessica Roberts Financial Education Secondary Advisor Welsh Financial Education Unit 07794 088085

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