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Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. Have a look at this picture. Do any of these Blobs reflect how you are feeling?

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Presentation on theme: "Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. Have a look at this picture. Do any of these Blobs reflect how you are feeling?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning

2 Have a look at this picture. Do any of these Blobs reflect how you are feeling?

3 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) for primary schools is a whole-school approach to promoting social and emotional skills. SEAL aims, when fully implemented, to involve all members of the school and all aspects of school life…. WG

4 What are the main topics that we cover?  Theme 1: New beginnings  Theme 2: Getting on and falling out  Theme 3: Say no to bullying ( Anti Bullying week – Nov)  Theme 4: Going for goals  Theme 5: Good to be me  Theme 6: Relationships  Theme 7: Changes

5 The themes focus on developing pupils’ skills, knowledge and understanding in five key social and emotional aspects of learning: Self-awareness Managing feelings Motivation Empathy Social skills.

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