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SiD MDI Update Topics for Discussion Tom Markiewicz/SLAC ILC BDS Meeting 15 May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "SiD MDI Update Topics for Discussion Tom Markiewicz/SLAC ILC BDS Meeting 15 May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 SiD MDI Update Topics for Discussion Tom Markiewicz/SLAC ILC BDS Meeting 15 May 2007

2 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 2 of 15 FCAL BeamPipe Discussions SiD FCAL group focused on ONE Device which covers 30-80mrad and to a first approximation ignores LUMI aspects of BEAMCAL (inspired by LCD Design) LumiCal Inner Edge  30mrad about outgoing beam LumiCal Outer Edge  113mrad about 0mrad (ECAL) LumiCal Fiducial Region  40-80mrad about outgoing beam BeamCal Outer Edge  40mrad about outgoing beam LumiCal  25 X 0 Silicon - Tungsten BeamCal  25 X 0 Rad-hard Silicon or Diamond - Tungsten

3 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 3 of 15 Brett’s Schematics

4 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 4 of 15 SiD r<50cm, L*=3.664m, 14mrad, Push-Pull, QF@9.5m, Door Closed 3339mm 2207mm Liquid He Line 25.6cm 30cm OLD

5 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 5 of 15 SiD r<50cm, L*=3.664m, 14mrad, Push-Pull, QF@9.5m, Door Closed 3339mm 2207mm Liquid He Line 256mm 275mm 190mm NEW

6 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 6 of 15 Door Open, Permanent QD0 Liquid He Line Liquid He Line “PACMAN” Shielding OLD

7 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 7 of 15 Door Open, Permanent QD0 Liquid He Line Liquid He Line “PACMAN” Shielding NEW

8 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 8 of 15 Plan & Elevation View of FCAL/QD0 Support Door QD0 FCAL Ignore for the moment fact that I have drawn endcap ECAL/HCAL down to r=20cm and yoke at 30cm

9 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 9 of 15 FCAL/QD0 Supported with Door Open FCAL QD0 DoorRail Extensions

10 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 10 of 15 Detail of FCAL OLD

11 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 11 of 15 Detail of FCAL NEW 220mm 240mm 152mrad 80mrad 38mrad 25mrad 8cm Readout

12 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 12 of 15 Unlike SLD, Tracker CANNOT Be used to Support FCAL+Mask Package  MUST HANG OFF QD0 OLD

13 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 13 of 15 Unlike SLD, Tracker CANNOT Be used to Support FCAL+Mask Package  MUST HANG OFF QD0 NEW

14 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 14 of 15 113mrad<FCAL<51mrad with 80 mrad beampipe need to rethink LUMICAL-ECAL radial overlap @ z=1.68m OLD

15 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 15 of 15 113mrad<FCAL<51mrad with 80 mrad beampipe need to rethink LUMICAL-ECAL radial overlap @ z=1.68m NEW Readout 20mm x 5m RAIL

16 Bonus Material Follows

17 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 17 of 15 Pair Radius in cm at Z=168 cm 4 Tesla5 Tesla ANTI-DIDNO DIDDIDANTI-DIDNO DIDDID N 5.2 / 4.75.1 / 5.55.8 / 6.54.7 / 4.14.4 / 5.15.3 / 6.1 Q 4.7 / 4.24.4 / 5.15.3 / 6.04.2 / 3.83.8 / 4.64.8 / 5.6 Y 4.6 / 4.24.6 / 5.15.5 / 6.04.3 / 3.94.1 / 4.64.9 / 5.7 P 6.3 / 6.06.2 / 6.86.8 / 7.65.7 / 5.35.5 / 6.16.4 / 7.0 H 7.0 / 6.66.8 / 7.37.4 / 8.26.2 / 5.96.1 / 6.76.7 / 7.5 Radius in black is measured from solenoid axis (x,y) = (0., 0.). Radius in red is measured from extraction line (x,y) = (-1.176 cm, 0.)

18 2007.05.15 SiD MDI @ BDS mtg. SiD MDI 18 of 15 SiD Open for Access to the VXD Region What Opening is Required for Access ON Beamline?

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