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The Renaissance and Reformation  Bell-ringer: What are some common superstitions? Are you a superstitious person? Why or why not?

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance and Reformation  Bell-ringer: What are some common superstitions? Are you a superstitious person? Why or why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance and Reformation  Bell-ringer: What are some common superstitions? Are you a superstitious person? Why or why not?

2 The Renaissance and Reformation  Renaissance- “rebirth”  Philosophical and artistic movement beginning in the 1300s  Renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman literature and life

3 The Renaissance Renaissance Thought Admiration for individual achievement Lead a meaningful life Supporting the arts Education important, critical approach Belief in human dignity

4 Niccolo Machiavelli  The Prince  How the government worked  Advice for rulers

5 Michelangelo  Painter and poet

6 Leonardo da Vinci  Architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, and scientist

7 Printing  Already invented in China  Finally, in 1450 Johannes Gutenburg uses moving type to print books  If printing was never developed, how would life be different?  Copy & Whisper activity

8 Shakespeare  Portrayed the reality of human personality and emotion

9 Reformation  Many believed the Roman Catholic church had lost sight of its spiritual mission  Seemed more interested in income than saving souls

10 Reformation  Martin Luther  Read about him on page 364  Formed Protestant group  Had a large following  Believed people could interpret scripture for themselves  Why would Catholic church leaders not be fond of Luther?

11 Reformation  John Calvin (1536)  Shared many of Luther’s beliefs  Believed in Predestination  People were predestined for salvation (elect)

12 Reformation  Catholic Counter- Reformation  To stop the spread of Protestantism  Returned emphasis to spiritual matters  Made teachings more clear  Ended abuses (indulgences to buy sins)

13 Results of the Reformations  Different churches in Europe  Renewed interest in education  Increased power of national government  Decreased power of popes

14 Superstitions  Spirits (demons) caused all wrongs  Discuss common superstitions.  Used charms, spells, and potions to ward off demons

15 Witchcraft  Witches blamed for many problems in villages  Huge outbreak of witch trials  Burned, hanged, tortured, drowned  Monty Python clip  tch?v=zrzMhU_4m-g

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