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The Future Perfect Chapter 18. Future Perfect Has the same function as the pluperfect but is for the future tense.

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1 The Future Perfect Chapter 18

2 Future Perfect Has the same function as the pluperfect but is for the future tense.

3 Pluperfect Imperfect Perfect Present Future Future Perfect

4 Has the same function as the pluperfect but is for the future tense. See how it comes BEFORE the future tense? The future tense is the super future

5 I will return home as soon as possible, but the party will have already started. I will return home as soon as possible- Future But the party will have already started- Future perfect

6 How to Form Take the perfect stem – Ex. Parav Add the future forms of sum – ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erint Kind of the same idea as the pluperfect active

7 Paro, Parāre, Parāvī, Parātum SingularPlural 1 st Person SingularParāverōParāverimus 2 nd Person SingularParāverisParāveritis 3 rd Person SingularParāveritParāverint

8 Conjugate Capio, Capere, Cēpī, Captum SingularPlural 1 st Person SingularCēperōCēperimus 2 nd Person SingularCēperisCēperitis 3 rd Person SingularCēperitCēperint

9 How to Form the Irregular Verbs SumSingularPlural 1 st Person SingularFuerōFuerimus 2 nd Person SingularFuerisFueritis 3 rd Person SingularFueritFuerint PossumSingularPlural 1 st Person SingularPotuerōPotuerimus 2 nd Person SingularPotuerisPotueritis 3 rd Person SingularPotueritPotuerint

10 Translation Like the Pluperfect it is dependent upon another verb to make sense, in this case that verb has to be in the future tense “Easy translation”- will/shall have

11 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and translate the completed sentence.

12 Sī ________ ad mē venīre, magnum gaudium habeō. (possum) Potueris If you came come to me, I will have great joy.

13 Cum epistulam meam ________, ad eam respondēre dēbēbis. (legō) Lēgeris After you read my letter, you will have to answer it.

14 Sī uxor marītum ______, amor eam corripiet. (cōnspiciō) Cōnspexerit If the wife looks at her husband, love will seize her.

15 Sī fāta _______, timēbimusne? (sciō) Scīverimus If we know the fates, will/shall we fear?

16 Cum eum tumultum _______, fugiēs. (videō) vīderis When you see this uproar, you will run.

17 Cum domum ________, dormiēmus. (intrō) Intrāverimus When we go into/enter the house, we will/shall sleep.

18 Translate into Latin. Personal pronouns can be omitted. We had not been able to run. Currere nōn potuerāmus. I had already been in the villa. In vīllā iam fueram. Men had not been able to extinguish the conflagration. Hominēs exstinguere incendium nōn potuerant. Had you often been there? Fuerāsne ibi saepe?

19 Homework Ex. 3, 4, and 6

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