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Genetic Engineering and The Human Genome. Genetic Engineering Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms Process of making changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Engineering and The Human Genome. Genetic Engineering Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms Process of making changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Engineering and The Human Genome

2 Genetic Engineering Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms

3 Selective Breeding Humans use selective breeding to pass desired traits on to the next generation. Humans use selective breeding to pass desired traits on to the next generation. Hybrids can be used to increase hardiness of plants. Hybrids can be used to increase hardiness of plants. Inbreeding keeps desired traits within a line of organisms by breeding related organisms. Inbreeding keeps desired traits within a line of organisms by breeding related organisms.

4 Increasing Variation To increase variation, breeders often introduce mutations (the ultimate source for genetic variation) into the population. To increase variation, breeders often introduce mutations (the ultimate source for genetic variation) into the population.

5 Manipulating DNA Using their knowledge of DNA and various techniques, scientists can extract, cut, identify and copy DNA. Using their knowledge of DNA and various techniques, scientists can extract, cut, identify and copy DNA. DNA Extraction – simple chemical procedure separate DNA. DNA Extraction – simple chemical procedure separate DNA. DNA Cutting – restriction enzymes cut particular DNA sequences. DNA Cutting – restriction enzymes cut particular DNA sequences. Separating DNA – gel electrophoresis. Separating DNA – gel electrophoresis. Copy – using polymerace chain reaction “PCR” Copy – using polymerace chain reaction “PCR”

6 Gel Electophoresis and PCR

7 Transgenic Organisms Transgenic organisms contain genes from other organisms. Transgenic organisms contain genes from other organisms. Making onions glow using jellyfish DNA. Making onions glow using jellyfish DNA. Using bacteria to make human insulin. Using bacteria to make human insulin. Using genetic modification to improve food supply known as GM foods. Using genetic modification to improve food supply known as GM foods.

8 Cloning A clone is a member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell. A clone is a member of a population of genetically identical cells produced from a single cell. Dolly Dolly Cows, Cats and more. Cows, Cats and more. Bring back endangered or even extinct species. Bring back endangered or even extinct species.

9 Human Chromosomes 23 pairs of Chromosomes for a total of 46. 23 pairs of Chromosomes for a total of 46. 22 pairs of autosomes or non sex chromosomes for a total of 44. 22 pairs of autosomes or non sex chromosomes for a total of 44. 1 pair of sex chromosomes for a total of 2. 1 pair of sex chromosomes for a total of 2. Karyotypes, pictures of chromosomes, can be used to study our chromosomes. Karyotypes, pictures of chromosomes, can be used to study our chromosomes.

10 Karyotype

11 Pedigree Pedigrees are charts that show relationships within a family. Pedigrees are charts that show relationships within a family.

12 Sex Linked Pedigree

13 Human Genes The Human Genome is the complete sequencing of human genes. The Human Genome is the complete sequencing of human genes. Blood Groups – blood comes in a variety of types A B AB and O. They also have an Rh factor or rhesus monkey factor. Rh+ is dominant and Rh- is recessive. Blood Groups – blood comes in a variety of types A B AB and O. They also have an Rh factor or rhesus monkey factor. Rh+ is dominant and Rh- is recessive.

14 Autosomal Disorders

15 Sex-Linked Genes located on the sex chromosomes. Genes located on the sex chromosomes. Males have one X chromosome and are thus all inherited X-linked traits are expressed in males. Males have one X chromosome and are thus all inherited X-linked traits are expressed in males. Disorders: Colorblindness, Hemophilia, and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Disorders: Colorblindness, Hemophilia, and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. X Chromosome inactivation results when females turn off their extra X chromosome. X Chromosome inactivation results when females turn off their extra X chromosome. –This can result in different color patches on skin or fur such as calico cats.

16 Patterns in Sex Linked Traits

17 Colorblindness

18 Hemophilia

19 Chromosome Disorders Nondisjunction occurs when chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis. Nondisjunction occurs when chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis. The result is an abnormal number of chromosomes. The result is an abnormal number of chromosomes. Down Syndrome – Extra chromosome at position 21. Down Syndrome – Extra chromosome at position 21. Turner’s Syndrome – a female with only one X chromosome Turner’s Syndrome – a female with only one X chromosome Klinefelters’ syndrome – In Males too many X chromosomes. Ie. XXXXXY or XXY. Klinefelters’ syndrome – In Males too many X chromosomes. Ie. XXXXXY or XXY.

20 Gene Therapy In gene therapy, an absent or faulty gene is replaced by a normal, working gene. In gene therapy, an absent or faulty gene is replaced by a normal, working gene.

21 Human Genome and Gene Therapy

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