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1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis August 6, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis August 6, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CPSC 320: Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis August 6, 2014

2 2 Schedule Monday: BC Day, no classes Wednesday: Quiz 5 (NP and NP completeness) Review: Amortized Analysis Friday: Survey (bonus marks) Review: probably Graph Theory and Dynamic Programming

3 3 Amortized Analysis

4 4 Amortized cost

5 5 Aggregate Method Evaluate a sequence of calls, and calculate the total cost Usually changes in data structure are considered instead of operations

6 6 Potential Method

7 7 Garbage Collection

8 8

9 9 Garbage Collection – Potential Method

10 10 More examples

11 11 More examples

12 12 Exercise

13 13 Good view – Aggregate Analysis

14 14 Good view – Potential Method

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