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CSCI 383 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Lecture 21 Martin van Bommel.

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1 CSCI 383 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Lecture 21 Martin van Bommel

2 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 2 Polymorphism Polymorphous: Having, or assuming various forms, characters, or styles From greek roots, poly = many, and Morphos = form (Morphus was the greek god of sleep, who could assume many forms, and from which we derive the name Morphine, among other things) In OOP, polymorphism is when variables or functions have more than one form

3 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 3 Polymorphic Variables Polymorphic variables, or untyped variables, are variables that have no type associated with them Rather, type is associated with the data stored in the variables. Thus, the variable can hold values of different types during the course of execution LISP & Smalltalk directly support polymorphic variables The most common polymorphic variable is the one that holds the receiver during the execution of a method Called this in C++ and Java, self in Smalltalk and Objective-C current in Eiffel

4 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 4 Polymorphic Variables C++ provides limited support for polymorphic variables in the form of class pointer conversions C++ permits one to treat base classes as compatible abstractions of derived classes This allows one to store the address of a derived class instance in a base class pointer variable Shape *ptr = new Circle;

5 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 5 Polymorphism & Typing Polymorphic Code (functional polymorphism) may be invoked with variables of different type (writing almost at a pseudo-code level) Dynamically Typed Languages: code is polymorphic (almost by definition) Statically Typed Languages: code restricted to declared type of variables (a priori) Main challenge: polymorphism in statically typed languages Expressive power Safety

6 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 6 Functional Polymorphism Functional polymorphism exists when a function or procedure has more than one form Two types of functional polymorphism are Pure polymorphism Ad hoc polymorphism

7 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 7 Pure Polymorphism A polymorphic method (pure polymorphism) occurs when a polymorphic variable is used as an argument Different effects, which vary depending upon the argument, are formed by using different types of value

8 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 8 Ad hoc Polymorphism Ad hoc: 1. For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other: a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries 2. Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose: an ad hoc compensation committee 3. Improvised and often impromptu: On an ad hoc basis, Congress has placed ceilings on military aid to specific countries

9 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 9 Ad hoc Polymorphism Polymorphism is over finitely few shapes Often, very few Different shapes are generated manually, or semi- manually No unifying common ground to all shapes, other than designer’s intentions Uniformity is a coincidence, not a rule

10 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 10 Overloading Polymorphism User or system overloads an identifier or operator to work with different types E.g., C++’s user-defined overloading of the function name max double max(double d1, double d2); char max(char c1, char c2); char* max(char* s1, char* s2); E.g., C++’s user-defined overloading of the += operator class Rational { public: Rational(double); const Rational& operator+=(const Rational& other);... };

11 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 11 A Definition of Overloading We say a term is overloaded if it has two or more meanings Most words in natural languages are overloaded, and confusion is resolved by means of context Same is true of OO languages There are two important classes of context that are used to resolve overloaded names Overloading based on scopes Overloading based on type signatures

12 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 12 Interclass Overloading Interclass overloading exists when different implementations of a function exist in different classes (or scopes) In this case, the fully-scoped name of the function is sufficient to distinguish it from other implementations with the same function name

13 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 13 Intraclass Overloading Intraclass overloading exists when different implementations of a function exist within the same class (or scope) In C++, implementations are distinguished from one another by their fully-scoped names and their signatures

14 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 14 Distinguishing C++ Functions The following rules are used to distinguish functions from one another in C++ A function call first chooses from among all functions of that name, within the scope specified, those for which the argument types match the parameter types or for which a set of conversions exist The set of functions that best match the call is calculated; if the set has more than one element, ambiguity exists

15 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 15 Distinguishing C++ Functions void setAngle(int degrees) void setAngle(float radians) int i = 45; float f = 3.14159; setAngle(i); // Okay setAngle(f); // Okay setAngle(3.14159); // OOPS!

16 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 16 Stream Output in C++ Stream output is a good example of the power of overloading. Every primitive type has a different stream output function ostream& operator<<(ostream& destination, int source); ostream& operator<<(ostream& destination, short source); ostream& operator<<(ostream& destination, long source); ostream& operator<<(ostream& destination, char source); ostream& operator<<(ostream& destination, char* source); //... and so on

17 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 17 Coercion Polymorphism Polymorphism arising from the existence of built-in or user-defined coercions between types int pi = 3.14159; // Built-in coercion from double to int float x = ’\0’; // Built-in coercion from char to float extern double sqrt(double); x = sqrt(pi); // Built-in coercion from int to double and // built-in coercion from double to float

18 Fall 2010CSCI 383 Lecture 21 M. van Bommel 18 Coercion Polymorphism class Rational { public: Rational(double); operator double(void);... }; Rational r(2); // Built-in coercion from int to double // and user-defined coercion from double // to Rational cout << sqrt(r); // User-defined coercion from Rational // to double (also C++’s // overloading of the << operator)

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