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Good Morning! Monday, August 31, 2015 Please get out your “Edits Notebook.

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1 Good Morning! Monday, August 31, 2015 Please get out your “Edits Notebook

2 Objectives for today Students will recall the basic definitions of the prefixes be- and mis- in order to prepare for assessment next class period. Students will predict (use foreshadowing) some of the potential challenges that the characters in the novel Lord of the Flies will face when they begin based upon the Survival IQ challenge and Stranded Leadership Role-Play.

3 Lord of the Flies Anticipatory Activity

4 Part I You and your group have been stranded on an island. There is no one else on the island to help you. Your survival is dependent entirely on you and the other members of your group. It is important to know that there is no sign that you’ll be rescued in the immediate future, but there is a chance that a ship or plane may pass near the island eventually.

5 As a group, you need to supply the following information: Give your island a name Make up a list of at least five things that you must do to survive. Organize that list in order of priorities. Assign tasks to members of your group so that the things on your list will be accomplished by certain people. Keeping in mind your list of priorities, make a second list of five rules you need to obey.

6 Each member of the group has been given a part of the island to explore which he or she must describe in detail in a written paragraph. You should assign island segments such as the following: North end of the island needs to be explored. It is treacherous and very rocky. There appears to be caves in the rocks. South end of the island to explore--there is fruit orchard. West end of the island to explore—there is a clearing and protection from the ocean. East end of the island needs to be explored—there is a mountain which overlooks the island. You have been given the center of the island to explore. There are some animals nesting in the middle of the island.

7 As soon as the members of your group have written their paragraphs, they should get together and share their discoveries and answer the following questions about each paragraph: How does the writer feel about the part of the island he/she explored? Which of the senses (sight/smell/taste/touch/hearing/touch) does the writer use? How can the group use this part of the island? What can be used on this part of the island for your rescue? What dangers lurk on this part of the island?

8 Map Lastly, you must draw a map of your island and note exactly where you intend to set up shelters, where they will get food, where they will bathe, what parts of the island they intend to avoid. Rules, Maps & Paragraphs will be presented so we can determine which group will most likely survive on the island.

9 Questions for Response 1. As you were coming up with your survival strategies and list of rules, did you work collaboratively as a group or did someone emerge as a leader and make all of the decisions? 2. Do you think it is important to have a designated leader in a situation such as this? Why or why not? How much power should the designated leader have over the group? How would you keep the designated leader from having absolute power over the decisions you make? 3. Did you find it difficult to establish a set of rules that you could all agree upon and must obey? If so, why was it difficult? If not, what behavior did you exhibit that made it easy to establish the rules? 4. Which was easier to agree upon and create: The list of things you must do to survive, or the list of things you need to obey? Which do you think is more important?

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