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Facilitate the Future: 2016-2020 Educational Master Planning Event April 28, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitate the Future: 2016-2020 Educational Master Planning Event April 28, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitate the Future: 2016-2020 Educational Master Planning Event April 28, 2016

2 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm – Emerson

3 External Scan

4 State of California 113 community colleges Focus on equity, closing achievement gaps, innovation 94% community colleges offered online courses in fall 2015 Orange County Population has a high college- education attainment Declining amount of high school grads 9 community colleges, 1 CSU, 1 UC, and 16 private colleges State of Higher Education

5 Ranked 6th in OC and 38th in the state in Headcount (21,573) Ranked 2nd in OC and 13th in the state in Degrees Awarded (1,870) Ranked 6th in OC and 30th in the state in Certificates Awarded (745) Market Share OC Enrollment Proportionality

6 Internal Scan

7 Headcount and Enrollment

8 Enrollment by Location

9 Enrollment by Modality Online 45.4% Traditional 21.7% Hybrid 1.6% Other DL 31.3%

10 Demographics

11 Course Success

12 Course Term-Retention

13 Degrees and Certificates 1,860 2,614

14 Post-Coastline Outcomes

15 S.W.O.T Analysis

16 Strengths Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. -Franklin Accreditation Standing Enrollment Management and Growth Successful Student Support Services and Programs Traditional/Face-to-Face and M/CE Course Success and Retention Rates Number of Degrees and Certificates Awarded Resource Development % $

17 Weaknesses The greater the obstacle, the more glory overcoming it -Moliere Student academic performance in distance learning courses Access to student services and support programs Post-Coastline outcomes

18 In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. -Einstein CCCCO focus on online courses (OEI) New CTE fields and AS-T/AA-Ts Partnerships and seamless pathways Bachelor’s degrees offered at two- year colleges External funding Professional development (FSC, PDI) Emerging Technology (EAB, Civitas) Opportunities

19 27 higher education institutions in OC Online saturation Bachelor’s degrees offered at two- year colleges Economic volatility Federal accountability regulations Threats The key is to embrace disruption and change early. Don't react to it decades later. You can't fight innovation. -Kavanaugh Disrupted Disrupter

20 Facilitate the Future

21 Activity In small groups or individually, review the seven identified college-wide strategies, which emerged from the S.W.O.T analysis findings (As outlined in the handout) On a scale of 0 to 2 (0= no alignment, 1= indirect alignment, 2= direct alignment) specify how these strategies align with the College Mission and/or your Program/Department After review and discussion, please cast your individual rankings at:

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