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By Casey Cottrill.  Counselor program  Character Development during Good Morning Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "By Casey Cottrill.  Counselor program  Character Development during Good Morning Meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Casey Cottrill

2  Counselor program  Character Development during Good Morning Meetings.


4  This program will provide 5 DVD’s and teaching guides to educate students in kindergarten about getting along with others. The five topics include:  Control Anger  Work Out Conflict  Learn To Listen  Bullying  Prejudice

5  Groark becomes angry at own mistakes  He destroys others things  Friends become angry and nearly comes to blows  Consults school children for advice  Uses advice to control anger and makes up with friends

6  Groark has disagreement with friend  Behavior quickly leads to problem  Frustrated and angry, Groark turns to group of real children  He learns a. stay calm b. talk about disagreement with other person c. listen to other's point of view d. look for solution that makes both happy  Groark and his friend resolve conflict

7  Failure to listen to ideas and concerns upsets friends  Causes misunderstandings  Results in being injured  Groark turns to a group of real children for help  Groark asks for a second chance

8  Burna and Muggsy start teasing and picking on Nubbs  Groark gets drawn in and is picking on his best friend  Nubbs calls Groark a bully  Groark doesn't understand what happened  He learns from a group of real children about being bullies  Groark, Burna and Muggsy have been cruel and unfair  Together they apologize

9  Burna convinces the others not to invite the new kid in school because he is "different."  Groark learns that Burna doesn't even know the new kid  Real elementary school children share lesson in prejudice  They discuss how people treat others unfairly because of differences like size, age, gender, race, ethnicity and national origin  Important not to pre-judge people  Groark takes lesson in prejudice back to his friends and decide to invite the new kid



12  Use some of the bullying situations listed in discussion section  Children role play or use puppets to act out effective ways to handle situations  Have children write down bullying situation on paper  Make list of situations on board and discuss ways to handle situations  Use puppets to act out situations

13  With younger students, following recess or lunchtime, have students identify situations observed where bullying occurred  List situations on chart paper and date  Discuss ways to handle situations  Continue this each day for a week  Observe if there are less number of situations

14  Send home parent note  Have students discuss video  Make a list of ways not to bully and post

15  Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK (dvd) Five DVD Series with Teaching Guides Special Series Price $ 299.50 Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK (dvd)

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