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ENVISAT Validation Workshop Dec, 2002. ESRIN 130 ESA Staff (7%) 250 Industry Staff Dec, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVISAT Validation Workshop Dec, 2002. ESRIN 130 ESA Staff (7%) 250 Industry Staff Dec, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENVISAT Validation Workshop Dec, 2002

2 ESRIN 130 ESA Staff (7%) 250 Industry Staff Dec, 2002

3 ESRIN Activities ESOC Communication : Web portal Vega Department : small launchers Informatics Department: ESA Corporate SW and Networks Dec, 2002 Earth Observation Exploitation Department: EO mission operation and exploitation

4 High Rate Missions PRESENT FUTURE ERS-1 (ESA) LANDSAT 1-2-3-4 (USA) JERS-1 (J) MOS-1a/b (J) SEASAT (USA) SPOT 1/3 (F) METRIC CAMERA (USA/D) ERS-2 (ESA) ENVISAT (ESA) SPOT 1/2/4 (F) incl ‘Vegetation’ LANDSAT 5-7 (USA) ALOS (J) SPOT 5 RADARSAT 1/2/3 (CND) IRS P6 (India) Rocsat-2 (Taiwan) EOS-Aura (US, 2003) PAST Low Rate missions ERS 1 (ESA HCMM (USA) NIMBUS 7(USA) NOAA 10-13 (USA) OCTS (J) NSCATT (J/USA) ERS 2 (ESA) ENVISAT (ESA) SEAWiFS (USA) NOAA 15/16 (USA) IRS P3 MOS (INDIA/D) QSCATT (USA) EOS-MODIS Terra, Acqua(USA) Chris/Proba ADEOS 2 (J) Cloudsat (US) Icesat (US) Calipso (US/F, 2004) EO-Exploitation Department Operations and Exploitation of EO Missions & Data Exploitation Projects (DUP, MD, GMES…) Dec, 2002

5 After 11 years of ERS: q ERS-2 still operational q a wealth of science and application results (SAR Interferometry) q technological progress, (ERS-1/2 Tandem Phase, Geodetic Phase) q consolidation of a large (thousands) EO user community q huge data archives as basis for long-term environmental monitoring established (11 years measurements) -> ERS-2 Operations being continued After 11 years of ERS: q ERS-2 still operational q a wealth of science and application results (SAR Interferometry) q technological progress, (ERS-1/2 Tandem Phase, Geodetic Phase) q consolidation of a large (thousands) EO user community q huge data archives as basis for long-term environmental monitoring established (11 years measurements) -> ERS-2 Operations being continued ERS (1991 - 2002) Dec, 2002

6 ENVISAT Commissioning & Operations Phase-in Schedule Launch SODAP Commissioning Calibration Workshop Commissioning Validation Workshop, Phase-in of non-cal/val Pis Operations Readiness Review-1, Hand-over Initial Operations Phase,Phase-in of DEs Operations Readiness –2 Full Operations Phase….  2006  Product Validation and Evolution  Dec, 2002

7 674 accepted AO projects (100 cal/val) 160 new cat-1 projects accepted 47 Countries -> 250 non-cal/val projects already phased in ENVISAT: Projects’ Status today Dec, 2002

8 + Launch & Injection excellent + Unique combination of instruments ; all Instruments working outstanding + technical status extremely positive for long operations + funding until end 2006 committed + Artemis likely to be recovered by Feb 2003 + ERS-2 still alive and in operations ENVISAT: Situation today - Launch was late - Artemis not available - data for validation activities distributed late, back-log processing difficult Dec, 2002

9 ENVISAT: tomorrow A unique combination of instruments and data for scientific, public benefit, operational and commercial use for several years In context with other missions : continuation of observations and projects for 15 years of monitoring Dec, 2002

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