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Food Technology: Year 7 Healthy Meals Project 2008/09 Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Technology: Year 7 Healthy Meals Project 2008/09 Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Technology: Year 7 Healthy Meals Project 2008/09 Lesson 1

2 STARTER Make a list of all the meals you have ever cooked at home: Make a list of all the meals you really want to cook that would be good as a school meal:

3 What will we be doing? Week Number First LessonSecond LessonHomework 11.Recap yr6, targets1. Recap on how to make the salad Project work given out 23.Timescale, Design criteria, functions 4. Make your salad ½ HACCP Discussion about what is expected of you 32.Safety, storage, planning 6. Evaluation of the recipe outcome 47. Plan Fruit Salad8. Nutrition/Malnutrition 59. Design ideas – your own version of the fruit salad 10. What do we need on our plates (rainbow) 612. Vitamins in the dietConclusion

4 How will we assess our work? To National Curriculum levels (goes into your reports) To criteria from Sainsbury’s Taste of Success Award – Gold level You may be presented with a certificate by Sainsbury’s

5 Assessment For Learning Look, now, at the Assessment for Learning Chart Think back to your last report Look at the differences between the statements Remember, there are 3 sub-levels in each Which level will you aim for in FOOD?

6 Assessment for Learning Chart Level 4Level 5Level 6 I can produce a step by step flow chart plan to show how to make my Pizza. I can work with some accuracy using a range of tools, raw meat and a variety of vegetables to make my Stir Fry. I can work from my own flow chart plan, using timings and at least 4 decision boxes, to check the quality as I go along. I can use my detailed plan to make a quality Stir Fry, making modifications if necessary and using a range of tools with some precision. I can modify my flow chart plan for making another pizza to show alternative methods. I can show I understand the characteristics of my Stir Fry ingredients by cooking the meat thoroughly and prepping the vegetables correctly but not over cooking them.

7 How can you achieve success in Food Technology? Work hard and do your best work in class Always cook when it is your turn Hand in your homework Work quietly, safely, neatly Present your work neatly Save all lessons to your Food Tech e- folder.

8 Lesson 1: Objectives Seating plan and folders Recap to know: Tools, Washing up, Weigh and measure, Prep tasks To understand that school lunches must now meet the National Nutritional Standards To be able to put together all the healthy eating information covered so far.

9 Key words Nutritional standards Grammes (g) Millilitres (ml) Healthy eating

10 Recap: Tools Can you remember the equipment that is kept in the draws and cupboards in each Food Technology room?

11 Did you get them all? Label them and say what is each used for?

12 Recap: Washing Up 1. What things do you need for washing up? 2. What temperature should the water be? 3. How do you drain the dishes? 4. Where do you get a clean tea-towel? 5. Where do you put it at the end of the lesson? 6. What do you use dish-cloths and a brush for?

13 Recap: Weighing 1. What are the 2 checks you should make before you start to weigh? 2. What does every black line on the outside of the dial, whatever size, represent? 3. Scales are delicate and need to be accurate. How should you carry them. 4. If the pointer is on the 5 th black line, what does the food weigh?

14 What’s the difference? Advantages? Disadvantages? Advantages? Disadvantages?

15 Recap: Measuring Label the jug with these measurements: 1.500ml 2.250ml 3.150ml 4.50ml

16 These are the jobs you must do each time you start to cook. Chair C Hair H Apron A Tie T Cloths C Hands H Anti-bac A Tray T Recap: Prep Tasks

17 Task 1: Copy Design Brief Many school meal services rely on ready- made dishes or products, which can be heated and served quickly and conveniently. Make a range of meal options for a school canteen that #follow current healthy eating principles #can be successfully chilled and reheated #have pupil appeal.

18 Task 2: What are the current healthy eating principles? What are the ‘8 Tips for eating well’? Go to uk uk Select Nutrition essentials, then 8 Tips You may also remember the Balanced Plate from your Junior schools and from Year 7. What is the Balanced Plate? Draw and label it.

19 The Balanced Plate

20 Task 3: National Nutritional Standards Use: hes Go to Nutritional Standards for caterers Or use the web based document Look at page 2. What is a healthy diet? Scroll down to page 4. Read the compulsory standards and say what foods should be on the menu: Daily Weekly Never

21 Pizza Recipe 150g self- raising flour 25ghard margarine 1/2 egg 2tbsmilk 2tbstomato and herb pasta sauce 50ggrated cheese and 2 other prepared toppings of your choice: 25g chopped onions or sliced bacon or sausage or pepperoni or mushrooms or peppers Must have 2 portions of vegetables 1. PREP TASKS 2. Switch on oven (200 C/Gas 6) 3. Put greaseproof paper onto baking tray 4. Sieve flour 5. Rub margarine into flour until it disappears 6. Crack egg into jug and add the milk. Mix with a fork 7. Add this to make a soft dough 8. Knead on clean surface, using as little flour as possible 9. Roll very thinly and shape 10. Place on baking tray 11. Put toppings onto base in the right order (tomato sauce first, then others, then any raw meat on top) 12. Bake until golden brown and toppings are cooked 20-25 minutes. 13. WASH UP / READY FOR INSPECTION 14. Cover, cool and refrigerate

22 Homework Introduction Chapter 1 Next lesson this will be explained!

23 Plenary Save the Homework Project to your Food Folder on your u drive so you can access it next lesson

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