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Foundation of American Constitutional Government CE.2.

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1 Foundation of American Constitutional Government CE.2

2 Describe the fundamental political principles that have shaped government in the United States Republic ~ government by the elected representatives of the people Legislature ~ a group of people elected to make laws for the citizens Direct Democracy ~ government in which people vote themselves to make laws

3 Fundamental Political Principles Consent/Permission of the Governed ~ people are the source of any and all governmental power Limited Government ~ government is not all- powerful and may do only those things people have given it the power to do Rule of Law ~ the government and those who govern are bound by the law, everyone is responsible Democracy ~ in a democratic system of government, the people rule Representative Government ~ people elect public office holders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf

4 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America Magna Carta ~ In 1215, English nobles demanded rights such as trial by jury and limited the power of the king to tax thereby limiting the power of the monarchy. First time government is limited and common people have rights!

5 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America Charters of the Virginia Company of London The rights of the Englishmen coming to the New World or America were guaranteed to the Colonists. Think of it as the United States creating a settlement on the moon, we would carry the same laws and rights to the moon that we have here in the United States.


7 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America The Virginia Declaration of Rights This document served as a model for the Bill of Rights to the Consititution of the United States. This document was the first time people’s individual rights were addressed.

8 The Virginia Declaration of Rights The Virginia Declaration of Rights contained bold, exciting ideas. Mason stated that "all power is vested in [given to], and consequently derived from [comes from], the people." In other words, a government runs because citizens allow it to run. Government exists to protect their rights. Thirteen years later, many of the rights described in the VDR were included in the U.S. Bill of Rights written by James Madison.

9 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America Declaration of Independence States Grievances against the King of Great Britain Affirmed “certain unalienable rights” ~ such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness Established the idea that all people were created equal under the law (no separate laws for separate people)

10 Declaration of Independence Written during the American Revolution, this document spurred the colonists to join the fight against the King. The colonies defeat the King and become the United States of America.

11 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America The Articles of Confederation Established the first form of national government for the independent states Maintained that major powers resided with individual states Provided for a weak national government with no power to tax and enforce laws) Led to the writing of the Constitution

12 Loosely stated, the Articles are an agreement between states to “do what is needed” without anyone to oversee them. The reason was that the states were nervous of anyone or state having power. They had just overthrown a King, they were scared to set up a new kingship, so they created a weak government, which was soon changed…

13 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America The Constitution of the United States of America Establishes the Structure of the United States government Guarantees equality under the law with majority rule and the rights of the minority protected Affirms individual worth and dignity of all people

14 The Constitution of the United States of America

15 Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America The Bill of Rights Protects the fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition

16 Explain the purposes of the United States Government found in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States Preamble ~ a preliminary statement to a document that explains its purpose Preamble = Pregame Show you know what you are going to watch, but the pre-game show gives you highlights!

17 Explain the purposes of the United States Government found in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States Constitution ~ a plan of government Justice ~ administration and procedures of law to insure equality under the law Union ~ the fifty states of the United States

18 Explain the purposes of the United States Government found in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States Preamble to the Constitution of the United States ~ Expresses/States the reasons the Constitution was written. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence(defense), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

19 Purposes of U.S. Government To form a Union Establish Justice Ensure the domestic peace To provide defense Question to quietly ponder: Why were these thoughts and ideas important to the colonists? What was going on in 1776 where these ideas were not protected or given?

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