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Section 1: The Legislative Branch Lesson 1: The Basics.

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1 Section 1: The Legislative Branch Lesson 1: The Basics

2 Creating the Legislative Branch  Bicameral Legislation Created to ○ Reach a COMPROMISE between large and small states Virginia Plan -For large states -Representation based on population New Jersey Plan -For small states -Representation based on state equality Connecticut Compromise -Make both sides happy -Set up both kinds of representation!

3 Creating the Legislative Branch  Bicameral Legislation Set up a power struggle Further divided power House of RepresentativesSenate

4 Creating the Legislative Branch  Bicameral Legislation The Two Chambers of Congress ○ House of Representatives Larger chamber (435 members) Represents the people of VOTING DISTRICTS ALL revenue bills come from this chamber

5 Creating the Legislative Branch  Bicameral Legislation The Two Chambers of Congress ○ Senate Smaller chamber (100 members) Originally represented the states NOW represents the people of the states Confirms presidential nominations -Supreme Court -Ambassadors -Etc.

6 What Should I Do? – Roles  Delegate Role Vote the way the majority of my CONSTITUENCY wants Trustee Role. Vote the way I think is best for you and the country “TRUST ME”

7 What Should I Do? – Roles  Partisan Role Vote the way my political party wants Politico Role Vote whatever way is best for getting me re-elected

8 Passing Laws



11 Text Readings 268 – 270 (3 pages) 288 – 290 (3 pages) 296 – 300 (5 pages) 310 – 317 (8 pages) (19 pages total)

12 Section 1: The Legislative Branch Lesson 2: Constitutional Powers

13 Constitutional Interpretation  Strict Constructionist Read the Constitution word for word Obey the Constitution word for word  Liberal (loose) Constructionist Read the Constitution for the meaning of the words Obey the meaning of the Constitution Go beyond just the words We the People ``````` ```` ```` ```` ````` `` ``` ``` `` `` ` ```` `` ```` `` ` ````` `` ``

14 Constitutional Interpretation Liberal Constructionist ○ Stretch the powers of Congress ○ Commerce Clause Regulate commerce between states! Can be stretched wayyyyy far!

15 Congressional Powers  Types of Congressional Powers Implied Powers ○ Powers that are SUGGESTED but not stated in the Constitution ○ Comes from the NECESSARY AND PROPER CLAUSE Also known as the “Elastic Clause” Article I; Section 8

16 Congressional Powers  Types of Congressional Powers Implied powers - Comes from the NECESSARY AND PROPER CLAUSE - Examples Congressional oversight of funded programs “Power of the Purse” ▪ Speed limits ▪ DUI BA limits ▪ Educational aspects Goals Programs Immigration regulation Minimum wage Ban discrimination “YOU MUST CARE FOR THE DOG!”

17 Constitutional Powers  Types of Congressional Powers Expressed ○ Clearly stated in the Constitution ○ No interpretation ○ Examples Funding programs (or NOT funding them) Regulating commerce (but not HOW to regulate commerce)

18 Congressional Powers  Types of Congressional Powers Inherent Powers ○ Powers which are needed to function In a changing world As a superpower nation

19 Getting Elected to Congress  Senators Two per state (100 total) Six year terms Used to be the state legislature voted 17 th Amendment made it so the people get to vote

20 Getting Elected to Congress  Representatives Depends on the population of the states 2-year terms Elected from congressional DISTRICTS within states State governments draw districts ○ Each state gets new representative numbers (REAPPORTIONMENT) every ten years ○ Each state government gets to draw its new district boundaries ○ Leads to GERRYMANDERING!

21 Getting Elected to Congress  Gerrymandering Drawing weird district boundaries to favor one political party over another

22 Homework  Read text pages 274 – 278  Read text pages 296 – 300  Read text pages 310 – 317  Read text pages 532 – 534  Read text page 537

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