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Welcome 3 rd Grade Parents! We’re looking forward to our partnership this year!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 3 rd Grade Parents! We’re looking forward to our partnership this year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 3 rd Grade Parents! We’re looking forward to our partnership this year!

2 Agenda for Curriculum Night Attendance Procedures Assessments Curriculum Grading Our Classroom Closing

3 Attendance and Tardies Students may enter the rooms at 7:15 am Anyone entering the classroom after 7:45 is considered tardy. Instructional day ends at 2:45. Please try to schedule appointments after school. Students who attend school regularly and on time are more successful. As a team, we hope to maximize your child’s learning potential.

4 It’s All about Organization and Responsibility! Binder Assignment Book

5 Procedures ELE Assignment Book Progress Reports Communication/Soar Calendars Homework

6 Homework Policy At Least 20 Minutes of Reading. Students should set a daily goal for their reading. Record information on the reading log for parent to initial.reading log Homework may be assigned from different teachers- literacy, math, science, social studies, and homeroom Help your child develop good homework habits.

7 Weekly Assessments Literacy and Word Work Math quizzes and tests depend on math teacher. S.S. and Science quizzes and tests are announced 2-4 days in advance with a study guide or class notes. Students are learning the grading scale. Check your child’s assignment book

8 CMS and State Assessments Common Assessments MAPS Assessment (Measures of Academic Progress for Students) 3 times a year Reading 3D (Measures Reading Growth throughout the year) EOG for Reading, Math Social Studies/Science formatives in May Scores for this year’s EOG test will not be available until next school year.

9 Curriculum Overview

10 Social Studies/Science Subjects are alternated Note taking Binder Grades

11 Social Studies Focus Communities Local/State/National Government Economics Geography/Map Skills Switch classes

12 Science Focus Scientific Method/Science notebooks Matter Energy Earth, Moon, Sun Earth systems Structure and Function of Human Body Ecosystems Force and Motion

13 Math Focus Numeration 2/3 digit Addition and Subtraction Multiplication/Division Metric Measurement Fractions Geometry Graphing Problem Solving Throughout

14 Balanced Literacy Reader’s Workshop Mini-lesson (Reading Skills and Strategies) Independent/Guided Reading on your “Just- Right” level Share Interactive Read-Aloud Model reading strategies and responses Word Work Words their Way Vocabulary Grammar

15 Flexible Grouping Change classes for literacy and math only Students are placed in a class that meets their needs at the time Classes differ by pace and learning style— curriculum is the same

16 Writing Focus Writer’s Workshop Planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing Persuasive Writing Sentence Structure, Parts of Speech, Grammar Friendly Letters Summaries Poetry Biography Report Narratives Cursive Writing grades will come from all subject areas.

17 Grading Grading Scale 93-100 A 85-92 B 77-84 C 70-76 D Transition Into Third Grade: a “3” in second grade is equal to 80-100% on the grading scale for 3-5. Grades are earned, not given.

18 First Quarter Conferences Monday, October 29, 2012 Schedule vacations accordingly

19 SOAR Behavior Plan All third grade classrooms will follow this plan We will be using “Soar” Calendars when changing classes. Students are expected to follow the ELE SOAR Matrix. Failure to do so will result in a strike. Parents need to review and initial “Soar” calendars each night. Three strikes during the week results in loss of Fun Friday.

20 Birthday Celebrations Birthday treats can be purchased from the cafeteria Send in store bought (not homemade) cookies, cupcakes, donuts, or brownies— must be quick to eat Be aware of peanut allergies Meet us in the cafeteria or send in with your child.

21 How to contact the teacher……. Email Wikipage Agenda Phone call Note

22 Questions?


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