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Welcome to my class! I’m so happy to be here to work with you!

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2 Welcome to my class! I’m so happy to be here to work with you!

3 So, this is my Syllabus Please pay attention, because this is much less boring than reading the whole thing.

4 Classroom Goals O By the end of the year, you will be able to… O Read, analyze, respond to, and deeply understand challenging texts in a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama). O Use evidence from the text to support your answer! O Use a variety of reading strategies to help you comprehend any text with which you are presented. O Write detailed, creative, well-organized essays in several different genres (narrative, expository, persuasive, argumentative). O analyze and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques; O apply effective strategies and techniques in your own writing; O create and sustain arguments based on readings, research, and/or personal experience; O demonstrate understanding and mastery of standard written English as well as stylistic maturity in their own writings; O write for a variety of purposes...

5 [Cough cough] we’re not done yet O produce expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions that introduce a complex central idea and develop it with appropriate evidence drawn from primary and/or secondary source material, cogent explanations, and clear transitions; O demonstrate understanding of the conventions of citing primary and secondary source material; O move effectively through the stages of the writing process, with careful attention to inquiry and research, drafting, revising, editing, and review; O write thoughtfully about their own process of composition; O revise a work to make it suitable for a different audience; O analyze image as text; and O evaluate and incorporate reference documents into researched papers. O Identify, explain, and create several different elements of literature, including: O Theme, point of view, characterization, setting, tone, mood etc. O Participate in discussions and create presentations that analyze literary works read in class.

6 Classroom Expectations O O But seriously: Arrive on time, or early if possible. O Be prepared for class. O Work as hard as you can: Give it ALL you’ve got. We are preparing for the future. Stay on task. We never waste time in class, and we move quickly. Therefore, it is important that you are 100% focused in class. O Raise your hand: Do not call out. It wastes time and sets us back. Raise your hand if you want to ask or answer a question. O Be kind, considerate, and respectful to your classmates: We are a team. We are a direct product of how we spend our time. Listen, really listen, while your classmates are speaking. O Follow directions THE FIRST TIME. O Adhere to the dress code: let’s not waste time on trivial issues. O When I am talking or instructing, you are not talking. You are listening and allowing others to hear what I am saying as well.

7 Consequences O Positive phone call home O Positive praise letter home O You and your classmates will learn everything you need in order to get where you want to be in English I / Pre-AP English I / EOC English I Lab.

8 Negative  O Verbal warning (conference between student and teacher) O Phone call home to parent O Referral to office

9 Grading Policy O Grading: It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to request an opportunity to reevaluate any failing grade within A WEEK of the receipt of the original grade. O Late Work: 1 day starts at 70; 2 days starts at 50; 3 rd day – 0. O aXQGc aXQGc

10 How it shakes out... O Six Weeks Grades O (Per District Grading Policy) O Daily Grades: 25% O Major Grades (i.e. test, projects): 50% O Six Weeks’ Test: 25% O Grading Scale: O 90– 100% = A O 80-89% = B O 70-70% = C O 69 and below=F

11 Cell Phones O CELL PHONES: Cell phones are to be on your desk at the beginning of the class period and are to be turned off. You are not allowed to charge your phone during class time. No media (photos, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Facebook,videos, etc.) are allowed to be created, copied and/or viewed unless you are instructed to create, copy or view media. O 0HyUk 0HyUk

12 Restroom Passes O Go between classes. There are no bathroom passes.

13 Materials Needed Daily O Your binder with a tab for English Language Arts O Extra loose leaf notebook paper (*always be ready to take notes in class) O Blue or black pens O Pencils O Highlighters O 5 Subject Spiral

14 Language in Class O Every person in this room deserves respect. Hateful comments concerning race, gender, sexuality, political views, appearance, or any other type will not be tolerated. This applies to serious as well as “joking” comments. O SGqgs SGqgs

15 Safe Environment O It is my expectation that every student experiences my classroom as a warm, supportive place to be. Therefore, I do not allow students to criticize or make fun of others’ mistakes. Students who feel compelled to make themselves feel better at the expense of others’ abilities to learn in a safe environment will be dealt with immediately. It will be a negative experience. O Yn4 Yn4

16 Cheater McCheatersons O Copying, cheating, or plagiarism (taking credit for work that is not your own) in any form will result in a zero, a phone call home, and a disciplinary referral. O rwFY rwFY

17 Final Thought I am so happy and excited to be your English teacher this year. I promise that I will work as hard as I can to deliver the best possible instruction, and all I ask in return is that you give your best at all times. I will always treat you with respect, and I expect you do the same. I look forward to learning with you this year! ~ Mrs. Fehlbaum Return the Syllabus Acknowledgement Form by Friday! Questions? Comments? Concerns? Quandaries?

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