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Paul Mundy Collecting information Three ways to gather information for your study.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Mundy Collecting information Three ways to gather information for your study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Mundy Collecting information Three ways to gather information for your study

2 Paul Mundy Types of information you need Facts and figures (data) Anecdotes (stories) Quotes Atmosphere (background) Analysis (history, significance, impact…) Significant details Illustrations (photos, drawings, graphics)

3 Paul Mundy Three ways to gather information Documents Interviews First-hand observation

4 Paul Mundy Documents  Project documents Research reports, project reports, design documents, monitoring and evaluation info…  Non-project documents Government/NGO statistics, World Bank/UN reports, books, scientific literature…  Media reports  Statements from government, donors, etc.  Statistical data  Names, photographs, supporting evidence

5 Paul Mundy Interviews Who to talk to  Project managers and staff People involved in the project  Movers and shakers Policy makers, government officials, business people…  The moved and the shaken People affected by problem or activity Beneficiaries, target group, local stakeholders  Experts and observers Independent specialists, researchers, academics…

6 Paul Mundy Interviews Decide beforehand what you want to know Listen to the subject Be flexible in your approach Take notes Be sure of names, numbers, spellings Use a tape recorder? If necessary, follow up afterwards to confirm details

7 Paul Mundy First-hand observation Go to the field yourself Drink in the atmosphere, gather impressions Use all five senses  Note sights, smells, sounds, feelings, taste Collect quotes Step into your readers’ shoes  What would strike them as interesting or unusual?

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