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PSAY Leadership Hui ERIN POLACZUK NATIONAL SECRETARY PSA Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi.

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Presentation on theme: "PSAY Leadership Hui ERIN POLACZUK NATIONAL SECRETARY PSA Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSAY Leadership Hui ERIN POLACZUK NATIONAL SECRETARY PSA Te Pukenga Here Tikanga Mahi

2 Challenges: the State of the Unions 2014

3 Changing employment patterns 635,000 New Zealanders workers or 30% of the workforce are in insecure work 573,000 earn less than the Living Wage 250,000 have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying at work. Under Pressure: Insecure Work in New Zealand Report - CTU

4 PSA recruitment by age

5 The age of PSA members

6 Overcoming the 80s… Right-wing politicians and right- wing media try to portray unions as: Irrelevant Inflexible Self-serving Old-fashioned Obstructive Out of sync with the modern worker

7 Issues raised by PSAY members Having a voice Respect, trust, lack of recognition Job security Professional development Unfair pay, pay systems and progression Recognising experience Debt and other financial pressures Young leaders Workload – work/life balance Paid parental leave Youth unemployment

8 We want a Transformed Workplace! One that is: Fair and secure Healthy and safe Where unions have high engagement Where our personal needs and identities are respected Where our career’s develop


10 Worth 100%

11 The PSA’s youth network

12 Finally- The Leadership Image

13 New Zealand Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi For a better working life

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