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 Informed by: 1.Discussions at the Annual Forum 2013 2.The findings of the report of the European Commission to the European Parliament on the implementation.

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Presentation on theme: " Informed by: 1.Discussions at the Annual Forum 2013 2.The findings of the report of the European Commission to the European Parliament on the implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1  Informed by: 1.Discussions at the Annual Forum 2013 2.The findings of the report of the European Commission to the European Parliament on the implementation of EQAVET 3.Takes into account plans for a European Area of Skills and Qualifications Proposed activities for 2014 WGs and PLA

2  A WG of NRPs working on the area of quality assurance and adult education in the context of CVET  A joint expert group with membership from the ECVET and EQAVET networks  A supplementary PLA in order to address the issue of how VET providers address the issue of QA of assessment procedures and transnational mobility Proposed activities for 2014 WGs and PLA - Rationale

3  Increase collaboration with other education sectors and the world of work, by increasing transparency between the various QA systems in order to strengthen mutual trust among VET systems  Strengthen the recognition of learners’ qualifications within and across borders Proposed activities for 2014 WGs and PLA - Objectives

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