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International Environmental Update Tom Cortina Halon Alternatives Research Corporation IASFPWG Meeting November 5-6, 2003 Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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Presentation on theme: "International Environmental Update Tom Cortina Halon Alternatives Research Corporation IASFPWG Meeting November 5-6, 2003 Atlantic City, New Jersey."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Environmental Update Tom Cortina Halon Alternatives Research Corporation IASFPWG Meeting November 5-6, 2003 Atlantic City, New Jersey

2 Kyoto Protocol Status Worldwide differentiated target of 5.2% reduction in GHGs between 2008-2012 119 countries have ratified representing 44.2% of global GHG emissions Russia holds the key to reaching 55%of emissions required for entry into force Russian ratification still unclear, recent indications are they will not ratify this year, maybe never Kyoto Protocol now in a “holding pattern”

3 United States U.S. will not become a party to Kyoto Protocol Focused on voluntary programs to address GHGs Department of Energy (DOE) expected to propose an enhanced voluntary GHG reporting program that will include transferable credits for verified reductions McCain/Lieberman cap and trade bill defeated in Senate (55-43)

4 Europe EU emissions trading scheme was recently approved by the EU Parliament Major industries included in the program, such as oil, steel, cement, glass, and paper, will have a CO 2 cap starting in 2005 Companies that cannot meet their cap can purchase emission credits from companies whose emissions are below their cap Emission caps will be set by each country based on their Kyoto targets

5 Europe Momentum of HFC regulations in Europe seems to have slowed Denmark, Austria, Switzerland enacted bans, Norway a tax, Germany has not proceeded with HFC controls EC regulation on fluorinated gases does not limit use of HFCs for fire protection, only calls for reporting, recycling, and containment

6 EC Halon Regulations Critical Uses - provides for annual review of critical uses and for setting timeframes for eventual phaseout of critical uses  Member States required to notify EC annually of quantities of halons used for critical uses, measures taken to reduce emissions, and activities to identify and use alternatives Bulk Halon - Allows for export of "bulk halon" for critical uses until 2009  A review of exports of bulk halon "with a view to banning exports earlier" called for by 2005

7 Montreal Protocol Halon Technical Options Committee (HTOC) met in December in Zurich Discussion focused on applications where halons are still being used HTOC concerned with lack of progress on halons in aviation, especially new airframes still being designed based on use of halon Recommendation from HTOC that ICAO coordinate development of a timely plan of action to eliminate the need for use of halon on new airframes

8 Montreal Protocol Draft decision proposed by EU at June OEWG meeting Calls for the TEAP to engage in discussions with ICAO to develop a “timely plan of action” to consider “modifying the regulatory requirements that mandate the use of halons on new airframes” Decision is expected to be approved at Meeting of the Parties in November Preliminary discussions have taken place between HTOC chair and ICAO

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