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Macbeth ACTS III-V.

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1 Macbeth ACTS III-V

2 Act III scene i At the king’s palace at Forres, Banquo reveals that he suspects Macbeth of King Duncan’s murder. Macbeth invites Banquo to a banquet that night and learns that both Banquo and his son, Fleance, will attend. Macbeth hires 3 murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance because Banquo knows of the witches’ prophecies (and might suspect Macbeth of murder).

3 Act III scene ii and iii SCENE ii
Lady Macbeth expresses her discontent in a brief soliloquy. She urges Macbeth to be fearless and more cheerful. Macbeth says he envies Duncan who is at peace and says he fears Banquo and his children. He tells Lady Macbeth nothing of his plans to kill Banquo and Fleance because he wants to prove to his wife that he is a “man.” SCENE iii Near the palace, the murders kill Banquo, but Fleance escapes.

4 Act III scene iv and v SCENE iv
At the banquet, one of the murderers tells Macbeth that Banquo is dead but Fleance escaped. Macbeth imagines he sees Banquo’s ghost, and he speaks to it, making his guests think he’s crazy.Lady Macbeth covers for him, saying he’s ill; then she sends everyone home. Macbeth says he will visit the witches to learn more about his future and sends for Macduff who didn’t show at the banquet. SCENE v At a witches’ haunt, Hecate meets the 3 who spoke with Macbeth and berates them for leaving her out of their dealings with Macbeth. She resolves to bring him to ruin.

5 Act III scene vi A conversation in the palace updates the recent developments. Lennox explains his suspicions of Macbeth and asks where Macduff is and is told Macduff is in England (meeting with Malcolm, King Edward, and Northumberland, and Siward) raising an army against Macbeth. Lennox is told that Macbeth summoned Macduff but Macduff refused to show.

6 Act IV scene i The 3 witches chant before a cauldron, making a brew.
Macbeth arrives and demands to know the future—3 ghosts appear and give him predictions. The first says beware of Macduff, the second says no one born of a woman will hurt Macbeth, and the third states he will not be conquered until Birnam Wood (the forest near the palace) meets Dunsinane (the king’s palace). Macbeth demands more and is shown 8 kings from Banquo’s family holding a mirror, showing the line of succession. The witches vanish and Lennox appears, reporting Macduff has fled to England. Macbeth plans to kill Lady Macduff, her children, and anyone else related to her.

7 Act IV scenes ii and iii Scene ii
At Macduff’s castle, Ross tells Lady Macduff that her husband has fled. She thinks he is disobeying his marriage vows. She talks with her son but is interrupted by a messenger telling her to flee. The murderers arrive and kill them both. Scene iii In England Macduff attempts to secure Malcolm’s help in taking on Macbeth. Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty. Malcolm tells Macduff an army is ready to attack. Ross arrives and reports of the murders of Lady Macduff and her son.

8 Act V scene i At the castle in Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth’s gentlewoman and doctor speak about her recent sleepwalking episodes. Sleepwalking, Lady Macbeth enters the room, carrying a candle and rubbing her hands like she’s washing them, trying to remove the blood. She imagines stains on them and speaks about the spots. From watching her, the doctor and gentlewoman realize that the Macbeth’s murdered Duncan, but they will not speak on it.

9 Act V scenes ii and iii Scene ii
In Birnam Wood near Dunsinane, Malcolm, Macduff, and their forces gather. The discuss their plan of attack and Macbeth’s current state of mind—some say he’s insane and others say he’s valiant. Scene iii Inside the castle, Macbeth, because of the witches’ prophesies, feels confident and invincible. A servant tells him of the approaching army, and he scoffs at the idea of it. The Doctor reports that Lady Macbeth’s illness is mental---she’s sick from something plaguing her conscience.

10 Act V scene iv The troops have gathered near Birnam Wood to attack Macbeth. Malcolm orders the soldiers to carry branches from the woods as camouflage.

11 Act V scene v Macbeth’s Soliloquy
“Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace to the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” In the castle at Dunsinane, Macbeth awaits the army and hears a cry offstage. Seyton, Macbeth’s attendant, enters with the news that Lady Macbeth is dead (she hangs herself). Macbeth delivers his famous soliloquy A messenger brings news that Birnam Wood (the camouflaged soldiers) is approaching the castle.

12 Act V scenes vi and vii Scene vi
On the field near the castle, Malcolm orders his troops to throw down their camouflage and attack. Scene vii Elsewhere on the field Macbeth kills Young Siward, son of Siward. Macbeth exits with Macduff in pursuit.

13 Act V scene viii In another part of the field, Macduff confronts Macbeth who refuses to fight him, warning Macduff that no one born of a woman can harm him. Macduff explains he wasn’t born of a woman but by C-section. Macbeth refuses to fight, but Macduff teases him, saying he’ll put him in a cage and label him the fallen tyrant. They fight, and it continues offstage. Ross reports to Siward that his son is dead. Siward is proud that his son died a hero’s death. Macduff returns with the head of Macbeth and acclaims Malcolm king of Scotland. Malcolm promises to restore peace and order to Scotland.

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