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Lesson 10- The Roots –corp- (body) and -anim- (soul) 1. animus 2. corpulent 3. corpus 4. corpuscle 5. equanimity 6. inanimate 7. incorporate 8. incorporeal.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10- The Roots –corp- (body) and -anim- (soul) 1. animus 2. corpulent 3. corpus 4. corpuscle 5. equanimity 6. inanimate 7. incorporate 8. incorporeal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10- The Roots –corp- (body) and -anim- (soul) 1. animus 2. corpulent 3. corpus 4. corpuscle 5. equanimity 6. inanimate 7. incorporate 8. incorporeal 9. magnanimous 10. pusillanimous

2 1. Animus (noun) a. A feeling of animpsity; bitter hostility or hatred. b. An intention or purpose; moving spirit behind an action. Ex: His animus toward his enemy made him refuse any attempts at reconciliation.

3 2. corpulent (adj) a. Having a large overweight body; obese. Related Word: corpulence Ex: Shrek has a very corpulent physique. The Dr. did not think her corpulence was attractive; rather he felt it was dangerous to her health.

4 3. Corpus (noun) a. A large collection of writings of a specific kind or a specific subject. b. A human or animal body, especially when dead. c. A structure constituting the main part of an organ. Ex: The scholar made a thorough study of the corpus of sixteenth century Italian literature.

5 4. corpuscle (noun) a. A cell, such as a blood or lymph cell, in a liquid, as distinguished from a cell fixed in tissue. b. A minute globular particle. Related Word: corpuscular Ex: Corpuscles provide oxygen for cartilage and bone tissue.

6 5. equanimity (noun) a. The quality of being calm and even- tempered; composure. Ex: Nothing disturbs Adela’s equanimity, not even the trying antics of her five-year-old brother.

7 6. inanimate (adj) a. Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms. b. Not exhibiting life; appearing lifeless or dead. c. Not animated or energetic; dull; listless. Related Words: inanimately; inanimateness. Ex: Lester has the habit of talking to inanimate objects, such as this typewriter and his car.

8 7. incorporate (verb) a. To unite with or blend indistinguishably into something already in existence. b. To cause to merge or combine together into a united whole. c. To become united into an organized body d. To form a legal corporation. Ex: The members of the club incorporated three new laws into their constitution.

9 8. incorporeal (adj) a. Lacking material form or substance. b. Intangible, as a legal right or patent. Ex: In Macbeth an incorporeal being, Banquo’s ghost, appears at a great banquet and is seen by Macbeth.

10 9. magnanimous (adj) a. Noble of mind and heart, especially generous in forgiving; unselfish; gracious. Related Words: magnanimously; magnanimity. Ex: After the tennis match, the magnanimous victor ran to the net to congratulate her opponent.

11 10. pusillanimous (adj) a. cowardly; lacking courage. Related Word: pusillanimity The pusillanimous athlete made a habit of criticizing his teammates when he talked to reporters.

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