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Faculty Senate Pat Hulsebosch, Office of Academic Quality 11/17/08.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate Pat Hulsebosch, Office of Academic Quality 11/17/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate Pat Hulsebosch, Office of Academic Quality 11/17/08

2  NSSE provides concrete descriptions of student experience that leads to university success  NSSE can be used for ongoing improvement  NSSE Benchmarks = Strategic Plan indicators for two SP Goal objectives  NSSE data is based on years of research on student success in higher education  NSSE is becoming one of the “standards” by which IHE’s are evaluated  Public and press

3  Recent NSSE Survey done in Spring, 2007  NSSE surveyed 380,000 randomly sampled students at 722 U.S. colleges and universities in the spring of 2008. ◦ First year (FY) and Seniors (SR)  Gallaudet has gathered NSSE data since 2005 (three years)  Often used every 2-3 years  GU’s NSSE data is compared to peer groups

4  USA Today Website is providing NSSE benchmark information on universities (voluntary) ◦ cation/2007-11-04-nsse-how- to_N.htm cation/2007-11-04-nsse-how- to_N.htm

5  NSSE’s public education campaign on Guidelines for Choosing a College or University ◦ Characteristics of student engagement ◦ Experiences at universities that make a difference in success  See the POCKET GUIDE 

6 BENCHMARKS Level of Academic Challenge Active and Collaborative Learning Student-Faculty Interaction Enriching Educational Experiences Supportive Campus Environment EXAMPLE NSSE ITEMS Number of papers written Made a class presentation Discussed assignments with instructor Discussed career plans with a faculty member /advisor Talking with students of a different race or ethnicity Quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices

7  BENCHMARKS (%) ◦ Comparisons to designated peers ◦ Comparisons to NSSE average  See Executive Summary, page 4 ◦ Comparisons to “highly engaged” IHE’s (Top 50%, Top 10%) ◦ Comparisons to our past % (2004, 2005 -  2007)

8 1. Active and collaborative learning higher – Significantly higher than average 2. Student-faculty interaction higher – Significantly higher than average 3. Supportive campus environment – Neutral 4. Level of academic challenge lower – Significantly lower than average 5. Enriching educational experience lower – Significantly lower than average 1, 2, 3 and 4 all have INCREASED for FY students since the last GU NSSE Survey in 2005

9 Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) ¡ Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Supportive Campus Environment (SCE)

10 Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) ** – Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) * + Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) * – Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) ** +

11  NSSE ITEMS  Percentages of our students  See “What Gallaudet Students are Saying About Their Gallaudet Experience”  92% report talking to a faculty or advisor about career  70% of FY students feel that this institution has a substantial commitment to their academic success. 1  53% feel well-supported by the institution regarding their social needs.  28% of FY students find the administrative personnel and offices helpful, considerate, and flexible

12  NSSE ITEMS  Comparisons to designated peers  Comparisons to NSSE average  See Executive Summary, pages 2 and 3  See Blackboard: National Survey of Student Engagement for data on all items

13 Town Hall, 11/12/08

14 Town Hall; 11/12/08

15  Insider Higher Education interested in doing an article about Gallaudet’s NSSE scores  Spring Faculty Development Day: January 13-15 – January 14 th on NSSE and retaining students  Power Points by Institutional Research and NSSE (August Faculty Development Day) at  /National_Survey_of_Student_Engagement_(NSSE).html

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