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Teaching Across Cultures Creating an Inclusive & Productive Classroom Alexis G. Finger

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Across Cultures Creating an Inclusive & Productive Classroom Alexis G. Finger"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Across Cultures Creating an Inclusive & Productive Classroom Alexis G. Finger

2 Understanding the Differences Lecturing vs. Everything else Not Accustomed to: Asking & Answering Questions Learning by doing Group Work Giving Opinions Office Hours

3 Our Goals Create rapport: get to know students and make them feel welcome. Help students adapt to their new learning environment.

4 The First Day Review Syllabus: Policies and Rationale. Promote Student-Centered/Interactive Classroom Student Participation. Describe class activities: student participation, pair / group work. Use get- to know activities: index cards, ice breakers. Recommend - office hours, sit close, tape record.

5 Other Helpful Practices Learn and use students’ names. Encourage participation. Have students work in pairs and groups- jigsaw approach. Provide time to complete assignments. Be aware of students ’ different frame of references: TV, jokes, idioms, slang.

6 More Helpful Practices Come to class early for small talk and stay late for questions. Use the four steps to fielding questions. Provide assignments in writing, notes/ lectures on line. Check students comprehension: questions, non-graded quizzes, one minute responses.

7 A Few More Provide visuals - board, outlines, diagrams. Measure achievement via a variety of evaluation instruments. Provide rubrics for evaluation of assignments, tests, presentations. Make the most of office hours. Provide review sessions.

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