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In the US, typically used range from five letter designations: «A», «B», «C», «D» and «F». «A» - the highest rating, «F» (from the English. Failure) -

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Presentation on theme: "In the US, typically used range from five letter designations: «A», «B», «C», «D» and «F». «A» - the highest rating, «F» (from the English. Failure) -"— Presentation transcript:


2 In the US, typically used range from five letter designations: «A», «B», «C», «D» and «F». «A» - the highest rating, «F» (from the English. Failure) - the lower, meaning unsatisfactory result. These symbols correspond to the first letters of the Latin alphabet in alphabetical order of the same, except for the letter «E».



5 Widely used versions extension scale by + and - signs are commonly used. They are usually considered as x + 0,3, respectively, and x-0,3. For example, since B = 3,0, then B + = 3,3 and B- = 2,7. Some educational institutions use a single mid- point between the units of the scale. They consider evaluation A- and B + identical. In such cases, the evaluation of AB replaces the option A- / B + and is counted as 3.5

6 Evaluation of A + - innovation in American education. A smaller part of the institutions that use it, evaluate it as 4.3 or 4.5, but many estimate of A + as 4.0, because they believe that the 4.0 scale can not go higher than 4.0. Sometimes falls F-, believing that everything below D, by definition fail. Estimated percentage A 90% -100% B 80% -89% C 70% -79% D 65% -69% F and below 64%



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