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NAEP What is it? What can I do with it? Kate Beattie MN NAEP State Coordinator MN Dept of Education This session will describe what the National Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "NAEP What is it? What can I do with it? Kate Beattie MN NAEP State Coordinator MN Dept of Education This session will describe what the National Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAEP What is it? What can I do with it? Kate Beattie MN NAEP State Coordinator MN Dept of Education This session will describe what the National Assessment for Educational Progress is, how schools are selected, and what results, data and tools are available for looking at how Minnesota students did compared to other states.

2 Administered by the National Center for Education Statistics Funded by the U.S. Congress Began testing nationally representative samples of students in 1969 Began testing state representative samples of students in 1990 Current state level assessments in math, reading, science Based on assessment frameworks developed through the National Assessment Governing Board by national panels including teachers, university faculty, content area specialists, testing experts, policymakers, and business and public representatives Consists of multiple choice and constructed response items 2 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

3 3 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) NAEP is the Nation’s only monitor of what students know and can do in various subject areas NAEP is a survey designed to produce national and state level results –State data available in the “odd” years NAEP produces results for populations, not individuals Also known as……. The Nation’s Report Card

4 NAEPMCAs Most on-line / paper pencilOn-line / Computer adaptive Two 25 minute blocksUntimed Low stakes for schoolsHigh stakes for schools Multiple choice and constructed response items Multiple choice Representative samples of 4 th and 8 th graders Must have 95% of students in grades 3-8, 10 and 11 Results comparable across states and to US public schools as a whole Results comparable across districts, schools and MN as a whole Designed to assess NAEP Frameworks – “curriculum neutral” Designed to assess MN State Standards 4 What’s the difference between NAEP and the MCAs?

5 The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA – formerly NCLB) Requires states/districts who receive Title I funding to participate in the NAEP assessments in reading and mathematics at grades 4 and 8. 5 Do we have to participate?

6 6 How does my school get selected? (And why every year?) see handout Every public school has a chance of being selected. –In 2015 – 287 schools in 177 districts Each school’s probability of selection is strongly related to size (enrollment in tested grade) Other factors in school selection “School location” and demographic data Random sample of students from selected schools Grades 4, 8, 12

7 7 NAEP 2016 National Year – no State level results GradeModeAssessment Subjects 4ComputerMathematics, Reading 8Paper/PencilArts (Music, Visual) 8ComputerMathematics, Reading, Writing 12ComputerWriting

8 8 NAEP Schedule of Assessments Approved March 6, 2015 by the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) assessment-schedule.html assessment-schedule.html

9 9 There is more to NAEP Main NAEP –Grades 4, 8 and 12 –Follow NAGB Frameworks, content change about every 10 years –Every two years for mathematics and reading –State and TUDA in odd years, national in even years Long Term Trend –Ages 9, 13 and 17 –Began in 1970s –National assessment only –Every four years –Mathematics and Reading only, content mostly unchanged –Last given in 2012 (next scheduled is 2020) Special assessments –High School Transcript Study (next scheduled is 2019) –National Indian Education Survey (was given in 2015)

10 10 There is more to NAEP Frameworks have been developed for: ReadingEconomics MathematicsCivics ScienceForeign Language U.S. HistoryWriting GeographyArts

11 11 Analysis and Reporting Average scale scores and achievement levels reported for reading, mathematics, and science –Scale Scores  Subgroup comparisons (e.g., SD, ELL)  State and regional comparisons  Reading and Mathematics scale score range is 0-500  Science scale score range is 0-300 –Achievement Levels  Indicate the students within the total population, or in a particular subgroup, that meet or exceed expectations of what they should know and be able to do  Advanced, Proficient, Basic

12 12 Contextual Background Variables In addition to assessing subject area knowledge and abilities, NAEP collects information from students, teachers, and principals on contextual variables that are related to student achievement: –student questionnaires, which examine background characteristics and subject area instructional experience; –teacher questionnaires, which gather data on teacher training and classroom instruction ; –school questionnaires, which gather information about school characteristics and policies; and –SD/ELL questionnaires, which provide information about students within the sample who have disabilities or are limited-English-proficient.

13 13 Reporting State and national results only (No student, classroom, school, or district results) Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) will report district level results (MN does not have one) State results are usually reported within six months of the assessment cycle. –Should be in October, 2015

14 14 RESOURCES General information Assessment results Item maps Frameworks Data analysis tool Released questions Scoring detail State profiles

15 15 Tools

16 16

17 17 Data Explorer


19 19 Questions Tool

20 NAEP Questions Tool 20 Contains over 1,000 released items from different content areas Sorts items by domains, objectives, cognitive ability, and difficulty level Includes multiple-choice and both short- and extended-response items Reports student performance on a specific test items by states and subgroups

21 21

22 22 NAEP State Comparisons

23 23 Click on state in the table to make focal state

24 24 State Profiles

25 25 Summary of results – print/export Links to snapshot reports Basic demographics for state Contact information “click” on compare…

26 26 More information! State map Compare to Nations public Proficiency levels each ye ar

27 27 Test Yourself

28 Kate Beattie MN NAEP & International Assessments Coordinator MN Dept of Education 28 Questions?

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