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5 Moving Forward. Higher Education: Global & National Scenario.

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1 5 Moving Forward

2 Higher Education: Global & National Scenario

3 ….(T)he next 50 years could see a golden age for higher education, but only if all players in the system, from students to governments, seize the initiative and act ambitiously. If not, an avalanche of change will sweep the system away. Deep, radical and urgent transformation is required in higher education. The biggest risk is that as a result of complacency, caution or anxiety the pace of change is too slow and the nature of change is too incremental. The models of higher education that marched triumphantly across the globe in the second half of the 20th century are broken. The future of higher education: An avalanche of change will sweep the system away?

4 In the 21st century, universities have been asked to support the development of their nation by creating economic wealth, solving big problems and ensuring students have something to offer their society. The better the university the more they can contribute. Concern related to: Ranking Quality Funding Concern related to: Ranking Quality Funding The main concern

5 Regional trend: Towards a single market Due to take effect on December 31, 2015, the AEC targets four key areas: A single market and production base A highly competitive economic region Equitable economic development Integration into the global economy Due to take effect on December 31, 2015, the AEC targets four key areas: A single market and production base A highly competitive economic region Equitable economic development Integration into the global economy As chair of ASEAN for 2015 Malaysia is expected to announce the adoption of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) – even if not technically complete – highlighting its own progress in liberalisation to give new impetus to the next stage of regional integration (p.33).

6 Universities, Research & Innovation: The National Scenario The National Education Blueprint for Higher Education 2015-2025 (Higher Education Blueprint- Draft) 10 Big Ideas: Empowered governance Financial sustainability Higher education excellence Holistic entrepreneurial graduates Innovation ecosystem Higher education delivery transformation Enculturation of lifelong learning Technical and vocational education transformation Global prominence Intensification of online learning The Way Forward of MRUs Dictate the direction of industries by identifying their needs and developing R&D to suit their needs. The strategy for MRUs is commercialisation of ideas rather than their R&D products. The MRUs must be respected, referred, relevant, responsible and responsive to society. The aim is to have at least a world class RU in 2025.

7 Reality check Universitas 21 developed the ranking as a benchmark for governments, education institutions and individuals. Aims to: Highlight the importance of creating a strong environment for higher education institutions to contribute to economic and cultural development. Provide a high-quality experience for students. Help institutions compete for overseas applicants. RankCountryTotal Score 1USA100.0 10Singapore76.3 28Malaysia53.4 Resources (20%) Environment (20%) Connectivity (20%) Output (40%) 91.198.874.0100.0 82.692.389.145.0 73.687.644.620.8

8 Research universities in developing countries are situated at the top of an academic and intellectual hierarchy and are central to the success of any modern knowledge-based economy. All developing countries need these institutions to participate in the globalized environment of higher education. Thus, understanding the characteristics of the research university and building the infrastructures and the intellectual environment needed for successful research universities is a top priority. Philip G. Altbach The role of RUs in developing countries Ref: Altbach, P.G. (2013). Advancing the national and global knowledge economy: the role of research universities in developing countries, Studies in Higher Education, 38:3, 316-330, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2013.773222

9 The future of higher education

10 UTM Global Plan 2012-2020 Phase 2 (PGU 2)

11 200920102012201320142011 Strategic Themes since 2009 2015 ? Balance Score Card Innovative, entrepreneurial, global; Institutional DNA ; Blue Ocean Srategy Inspiring creative and innovative minds Culture of innovation “Soul”; Appreciation of value Leading in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Towards Wealth Creation (for universal prosperity and well-being) Consensus, inclusiveness and engagement

12 Presentation To Steering Committee 13.8.2014 5 8 6 7 10 May June July August Oktober 29.5.2014 23.6.2014 *Seminar Series 1 Steering Committee Meeting Series 1 * Seminar Series 2 7.7.2014 9 Lab 1 LPU Retreat 14-16.11.2014 Town Hall Meeting 8.9.2014 (UTMJB) 10.9.2014 (UTMKL) 8-15.9.2014 (Online) Strategic Review and Planning Process of the UTM Global Plan Phase 2 (2015-2017) Timeline SeptemberNovember Lab 2 10.7.201422.7.2014 Prepare 1 st draft 11 12 December Prepare 2 nd draft Prepare Final draft Seminar on Current Trends and Global Scenario In Higher Education Management Retreat 20 - 22.10.2014 Office of the Vice-Chancellor 9 July 2014

13 Desired state by 2020 Student enrolment: 27,000 UG-PG ratio: 40:60 Academic staff- student ratio: (1:8 – 1:10) Academic staff- non-academic staff ratio: (1:1.3) Academic staff with PhD by 2020: 85% Research University: Maintain status Rating: Tier 6 (SETARA) Ranking: Top 50 in the world (engineering and technology ) Graduate employability: 80% Financial sustainability: 70:30

14 Philosophy, Vision, Mission Philosophy To be recognised as a world class centre of academic and technological excellence Vision The divine law of Allah is the foundation for science and technology. UTM strives with total and unified effort to attain excellence in science and technology for universal peace and prosperity in accordance with His will Mission To be a leader in the development of human capital and innovative technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation


16 Learning & Teaching Excellence Addressing the challenges Enhancing UTM Research Ecosystem Students at the Heart of the System Global Reputation Enhancing Critical Enablers for Institutional Excellence UTM Key Focus Execution Strategies/Tools HE Blueprint 10 Big Ideas HE Blueprint 10 Big Ideas New Academia Synergy between all DVCs, RAs, Faculties, PTJs & PPP. Blue Ocean Strategy UTM DNA Structure New Academia Synergy between all DVCs, RAs, Faculties, PTJs & PPP. Blue Ocean Strategy UTM DNA Structure Intensification of online learning. Enculturation of LLL Intensification of online learning. Enculturation of LLL Innovation ecosystem Global prominence HE excellence Global prominence HE excellence Holistic entrepreneurial graduates. Empowered governance Financial sustainability HE delivery transformation Empowered governance Financial sustainability HE delivery transformation

17 Proposed Focused Agenda – Some Highlights

18 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions Graduates with entrepreneurial, innovative and global mindset Learning and teaching excellence Students at the heart of the system Integrated programs and assessment to develop students Synergy between all DVCs, CSI, UTMTech, UCTC, ICC, etc. New academia Jobs in campus Attached/loyal alumni Harnessing and inspiring top notch scientists and researchers Initiatives structured to nurture and sustain the pool of talents so as to increase the numbers of top notch scientists and researchers among UTM staff. This as to ensure UTM achieve the top 50 engineering and technology university in the word.

19 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions New learning and leadership exposure for non-academic staff To equip non-academic staff with new skills and competencies. Transformative learning experiences that enable staff to perform in a global university with UTM DNA. High performance culture R,D &C Skudai Innovation Valley Wealth creation, impactful to the community Revival of Technovation Park Enhance efforts towards commercialisation, Spin-off and start up Niche, regional and international COE Industry-led research International grants

20 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions Sustainable Campus Enhancing eco-tourism Showcasing research activities/products in campus Low carbon campus, Green vehicle, solar power Park n ride, cycle lanes Zero waste, energy and water management

21 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions Financial sustainability Business Development Unit Alumni - raise friends vs raise fund (endowment) Unlocking assets Saving in maintenance by 5-10 % How much is ‘enough’ to run UTM Self sustained fleet management, stay in Scholar’s Inn UTM Central Bandar Penawar Tanah Mukim Setapak Replanting of pocket lands in campus Golf facilities and in-campus holiday package

22 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions Infrastructure s Conducive campus ecosystem for L & T, research Staff quarters Space optimisation RMK 11 – major projects (related to L & T, digital, research) Conducive work place Inspiring and friendly environment, a feel-good ambiance, international outlook Café, waqaf/casual meeting place, inspiring quotes, posters Upgrading of outlets, students’ accommodation Pagoh Setapak SAC

23 Specific ProgrammesDescriptions Invest in HR development - Healthy. happy and highly motivated staff K-organisation, Life long learning Every third week (for one- week) – English speaking week Soul, DNA Compulsory wellness programs UTMLead, HCD Reduce medical bills Motivations? Staff quarters Human capital blue print Branding HEK to package branding highlighting the activities/ achievement and impact on regular basis Link with marketing Manage perception ICT and Systems ICT upgrading and capability to support efficient and effective delivery. Paperless and online system ICT Roadmap 2014-2018 Digital learning environment

24 2014 20172018 UTM DIGITAL CAMPUS Peningkatan integrasi dan keselamatan aplikasi melalui pembangunan Enterprise Architechture (Pembangunan EA UTM, Penambahbaikan ciri keselamatan aplikasi, Pembangunan sistem pengurusan identiti berpusat. Pemantapan perkhidmatan penyampaian maklumat kepada pengguna (Pembangunan aplikasi mobile, Pemantapan & pengintegrasian sistem pengurusan pelanggan ICT berpusat, Peningkatan aplikasi atas talian, Pembangunan Aplikasi Baharu untuk menyokong teras utama sedia ada dan akan datang - Sistem Pengurusan Intelectual Property (IP),Sistem Penyelidikan,Sistem Advance HPC,Sistem Grid Computing,Sistem Pengurusan Alumni,Sistem Perhubungan Industri, Digital Examination,Digital Assessment,MOOC,Webinar) Pengukuhan prestasi aplikasi berimpak tinggi (Penambahbaikan aplikasi dari perspektif teknikal dan bisnes-UTMHR,UTMFIN,AKADEMIK,ASET,SOKONGAN,WEB,BI) Pemantapan penggunaan infrastruktur ICT selaras dengan keperluan semasa (Penggunaan LOUD, Perolehan Perisian) Pemerkasaan infrastruktur utama dan sokongan ICT (Menaiktaraf perkakasan,rangkaian,perluasan liputan WIFI,kemudahan VC,DS,MM,IPTV) Pengukuhan keselamatan infrastruktur ICT (Perlaksanaan SPA dan Network Audit,Pemantapan UTMCERT, infra keselamatan ICT) Pemantapan Pengurusan Dan Pembudayaan ICT (Kompetensi,Kepimpinan Strategik ICT,Kesedaran Pematuhan Prosidur ICT) Pemantapan Tadbir Urus ICT (Pematuhan Polisi, Garispanduan,SOP,SLA,Struktur Tadbirurus),Penjanaan Pendapatan APLIKASI BERIMPAK TINGGI KECEKAPAN TADBIR URUS/PENJANAAN PENDAPATAN UTM ICT ROAD MAP 2014-2018 KESELAMATAN ICT INFRASTUKTUR DAN SISTEM SOKONGAN PERALATAN/PERIS IAN HIGH PERFORMANCE DELIVERY, DIGITAL LEARNING AND RESEARCH INTEGRASI, ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE 20152016

25 ESTIMATION OF COST ACCORDING TO YEAR ONE-OFF COSTRM 88,539,360.00 RECURRING COSTRM 23,394,500.00 TOTALRM 119,922,860.00 YEAR 2013RM 9,800,000.00 YEAR 2014RM 11,800,000.00 RMK10RM 10,000,000.00 CURRENT ALLOCATION Year Recurring

26 Research Restructuring Consolidation of RAs; Merging of CoEs; RGs,; research niches; new research mgnt/governance structure; Academic Restructuring Re-alignment of faculties/schools; re-alignment of programmes; new academic structure New businesses, right sizing, relocating of resources Consolidation of units/roles & functions; HR audit – redeployment, right-sizing; new structure. Empowered governance structure; major re-engineering of work processes; improvement of internal operations UTMKL Restructuring ① Impact on overall governance structure & process flows; central structure to PTJ/Faculty structures. ② Impact on HR needs (KSA, skillsets, ratios) and HR response (culture, mindset, multi- tasking). ③ Impact on infra- structure and cyber- infrastructure (systems to support efficient process & effective work culture) Synergy, Efficiency, Effectiveness Overall Impact on UTM Restructuring?

27 STRATEGIC THRUSTS STRATEGICOBJECTIVES(IMPACT) LEADING IN INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOWARDS WEALTH CREATION (FOR UNIVERSAL PROSPERITY AND WELL-BEING) Menerajui inovasi dan keusahawanan ke arah penjanaan kekayaan demi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan sejagat LEADING IN INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOWARDS WEALTH CREATION (FOR UNIVERSAL PROSPERITY AND WELL-BEING) Menerajui inovasi dan keusahawanan ke arah penjanaan kekayaan demi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan sejagat Consensus | Inclusiveness | Engagement Strategic map BSC DVCs’ offices Human capital Wealth creation Impact to community RAs / Faculties / PTJs PPP Seamless roles of various PTJ’S, units

28 R&D&CR&D&C UTM DNA Graduate Attributes Definition

29 UTM with a Soul UTM DNA Processes Synergy, Simplified Impact Outcomes Measurable, Numbers Resources Lean, Optimum Global UTM 2020


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