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Effective Environmental Strategies for the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents in Europe Majone Steketee Harrie Jonkman Hans Berten Nicole Vettenburg.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Environmental Strategies for the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents in Europe Majone Steketee Harrie Jonkman Hans Berten Nicole Vettenburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Environmental Strategies for the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents in Europe Majone Steketee Harrie Jonkman Hans Berten Nicole Vettenburg Charles University Prague University of Tartu Free University of Berlin/ University of Hildesheim/ University of Hildesheim University of Genoa Ghent University

2 Prevention of alcohol (mis) use of juveniles What do we know? What we need to know? What we need to do?

3 What do we know (1) Alcohol use is very common among adolescents in Europe. Small group of risky (15,9%) alcohol use and frequent or high consumption (5,2%). Influence of risk and protective factor for all domains on alcohol use, family, school, peers, neighbourhood. Each risk factors enlarges the chance on problematic alcohol use with 65% No large differences between the countries for the effects of theoretically relevant predictors.

4 What do we know? (2) The country where you live influences alcohol use. Drinking culture (norms, expectations) is the best variable to explain country differences in alcohol use among juveniles. This influence of risk factors is higher in a culture of excessive drinking.

5 What do we know (3) National policies have some effects: Sales restrictions and strict policies do lower the probability of risky alcohol use among juveniles and highers the number of abstainers; Affordability and availibility doesn’t lower the risky alcohol use, but highers the number of ‘t students that doesn’t drink; Effective Programs have been identified for all domains, but prevention is small part of these programs.

6 What we don’t know Do common preventions strategy focused on delaying the onset of alcohol drinking also have an effect on those juveniles that have a risky alcohol or excessive alcohol use pattern? Should the prevention strategy always take the cultural context into account?

7 What we need to do Prevention using effective programmes and strategies should be targeted at the underlying risk and protective factors of problem behaviour Prevention needs an integrated approach. Investment in evidence based prevention programmes. Investment in the diffusion on best practices.

8 Thanks for your attention

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