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TITLE OF AUDIT Author Date of presentation. Background Why did you do the audit? e.g. high risk / high cost / frequent procedure? Concern that best practice.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE OF AUDIT Author Date of presentation. Background Why did you do the audit? e.g. high risk / high cost / frequent procedure? Concern that best practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE OF AUDIT Author Date of presentation

2 Background Why did you do the audit? e.g. high risk / high cost / frequent procedure? Concern that best practice not being followed? Include summary of any previous work done locally or elsewhere on this topic Literature reviewed, including description of local protocols if appropriate

3 Aims Broad statement, expressed in terms of the question you are seeking to answer, or the result you are intending to bring about E.g. “Are we applying best practice in the management of leg ulcers?” OR……… “To improve the care received by patients who develop leg ulcers”

4 Objectives e.g. To ensure that leg ulcers are treated appropriately To ensure timely treatment Breaking down your overall purpose into more detailed and specific component parts; Clarifies the steps you will need to take to achieve your overall purpose

5 Standards Defining best practice that we are aiming to achieve - derived from published guidelines, search & appraisal of research evidence or locally agreed best practice Audit Criteria (Standard Statements) TargetExceptionsSource of Evidence Venous leg ulcers will be treated with graduated multi- layer high compression bandaging 100% ABPI = <0.8 (ankle: brachial pressure index) RCN ‘Management of Venous Leg Ulcers’ guidance (1998) & UBHT protocol

6 Methodology Sample (How was sample determined? How many patients? How identified, eg. what codes used to identify on computer system?) How & when was data collected? Any problems collecting data? Method of data analysis

7 Results Present results against standards, e.g. 30/50 cases met criteria for standard 1, and 10 met exception criteria => 40/50 (80%) met standard Use numbers & percentages and/or charts – whichever displays information most clearly. Ensure you state how many subjects were included - ‘n’ number Keep your message clear - don’t include excess information or use too many graphs Don’t identify individual staff or patients

8 Conclusions List of key points Any conclusions must be supported by the data presented in results section

9 Discussion E.g. Any problems encountered during audit Any limitations of the audit Proposed action plan and ICE score (see following slide for details)

10 Recommendations for Improving Care Recommendations for improving practice Action(s) to be taken Evidence of Actions Nominated Lead(s) Due date List your suggestions for improving practice Outline the specific actions that will need to be taken What evidence will be available to show action has been completed Agreed leads for taking the action forward – this should be consultant level When will the action be completed by? Proposed Action plan – for discussion at audit meeting Proposed ICE score – this should be discussed and agreed at the audit meeting

11 References Optional but may be asked about Use standard & consistent format, e.g. Smith A B (1999) ‘Reducing waiting times in Outpatient Clinics’, BMJ Vol 500: 100-101.

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