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Grid Colombia Workshop with OSG Week 2 Startup Rob Gardner University of Chicago October 26, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Colombia Workshop with OSG Week 2 Startup Rob Gardner University of Chicago October 26, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Colombia Workshop with OSG Week 2 Startup Rob Gardner University of Chicago October 26, 2009

2 Welcome! I am happy to be joining Jose for another week of learning and working with Grids This week will be a bit different:  Aimed towards the site administrator  Fewer presentations (very few)  More hands-on 2

3 My background I’m a high energy physicist but have been working on various grid projects for nearly a decade (!)  Computer science projects: PPDG, GriPhyN & iVDGL  Grid infrastructure: Grid3, OSG and WLCG  My science community has been the CERN ATLAS Collaboration, and its Software and Computing projects For the last few years:  OSG Integration and Sites coordinator  Facility Integration Program manager for USATLAS  Manager of an ATLAS Tier 2 (+2kCores, 0.5 PB,10G)  You’d think I’d have some good answers by now  3

4 Launching a Grid Colombia Phase I:  preparations in advance of the in-person workshop Phase II:  workshop on scientific computing on Grids and Grid prototype building (that’s this workshop!)  Development of a program of work Phase III:  deployment of production facilities across multiple sites in Colombia 4

5 Second Week’s Goal Build a prototype Grid Colombia 5 GOC GCO GOC GCO gc2 gc1 gc3 gc4 gc5

6 Site Architecture Each site will be the equivalent to this Condor Globus: gram, gridftp User interface (local & grid) Ganglia monitor 6

7 The OSG: a simple site 7 VDT middleware Includes gLite components

8 The OSG: a typical Tier 2 site 8 dCache system; others: XROOTD, Lustre, GPFS, HDFS (Hadoop) STORAGE.. the hardest part

9 GOC services (I) GOCs are facilities usually provided at the national level as part of a NGI (National Grid Infrastructure) They can host services for more than one “Grid Facility”  Services as part of EU-based EGI, etc (EELA)  Services as part of an OSG-like Grid  (as yet, OSG only has one GOC but peers with GOCs in EGEE as part of WLCG) 9

10 GOC Services (II) There are many services provided by the GOC  Organizational (registration db, web portals)  Security (RA) and Operations (tickets, calls)  Technical services (hosted grid central services) Here we will focus on technical services  Information service based on ReSS  CEMon Aggregator + BDII  Gratia (Accounting)  RSV (Resource validation monitoring) 10

11 Sites, Central Services & Users 11 Sites GOC … Users & VOs

12 Virtual Organizations (VO) Virtual Organizations are communities of researchers with shared interests and resources We will use the OSGEDU VO We will learn how to:  Request certificates (for real)  Retrieve & install them (host + browser)  User, hosts, service  Gain entry into the OSGEDU VO  Use the OSGEDU VOMS on GridCo site 12

13 Teams Will divide into teams:  Site builders  Build a small cluster with Condor, an OSG compute element, storage element (GridFTP), worker nodes, a grid user management system  GOC team  Install, configure, validate central “goc”-like services such as an information system 13

14 Organization We’ll start each day with team reports from previous day Will have a lecture each morning focusing more in depth on a component Teams must “validate as you go”  To make certain services & configuration are correct Teams must “document as you go”  So you’ll have a record of what you did here to reproduce in your own lab 14

15 Virtualized Reference Site 15 This will be available for your login inspection

16 Workshop Email List Workshop mailing list   Email with subscribe gridco-ws09 Firstname Lastname in the message body (no subject needed)  Make sure to send from your preferred account  Or just send an email to me ( myname@domain Firstname Lastname 16

17 Workshop Web Resources Main agenda  Has Adobe Connect URL and links for help Organizational wiki Technical references (this week) olombiaWorkshop2009 17

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