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Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolios 18 June 2009 Sussex Plus: a pilot skills project at the University of Sussex. Future plans using PebblePad and webfolios.

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Presentation on theme: "Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolios 18 June 2009 Sussex Plus: a pilot skills project at the University of Sussex. Future plans using PebblePad and webfolios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolios 18 June 2009 Sussex Plus: a pilot skills project at the University of Sussex. Future plans using PebblePad and webfolios Alice Stuart: Senior Career Development Adviser Andy Howard: Career Development & PDP Adviser

2 Overview Background: Triggers History: Sussex Plus phase 1, 2008-09 Sussex Plus phase 2, 2009-10 Rationale Targets & participants Language Benefits Conclusion & questions

3 The Triggers

4 This survey shows that employers want graduates who can communicate well and work as part of a team. Graduates’ positive attitude to work and good communication skills are seen as more important than the degree subject or result. The majority (86%) of employers ranked positive attitude and ‘employability’ in their top three demands. These skills include team-working, communication, business awareness, self- management and problem-solving. 'CBI/Edexcel Education & Skills Survey Sept 2008' Employers’ View

5 “well-rounded’ graduates who benefit from excellent academic and non-academic experiences” “In recognition of employer demand for skills obtained outside the academic curriculum, universities should develop mechanisms to accredit non-academic activities such as volunteering. Also, in recognition of the need for students to support themselves financially while at university, this accreditation should be stretched to include skills obtained during paid employment” Policy Statement - Enhancing the Student Experience Nov 2007 University Sector View

6 The sector should look at the importance of non-formal learning, and how we can measure and record the scope of a student’s experience. Our members are involved in a wide range of activities in their students’ unions and local communities, from working on student media to fundraising and volunteering with local charities. This should be reflected in their overall qualification. Wes Streeting NUS VP Education - NUS Briefing / The Burgess Group Final Report October 2007 Students - NUS View

7 History: Sussex Plus Phase 1, 2008-09 -An online and a paper-based trial using templates -Focus on ‘Skills’ and ‘Self Analysis’, with support materials -100 students completed - Online, Moodle, based total 70% -Paper based 30% Types of project included: - Schools Experience Programme - Work Shadowing - Course-based (Geography) - 150 - Year Abroad (Sept 2010) - Engineering Projects - Charitable Health Projects -Cultural Projects -Junior Research Associates

8 Sussex Plus Phase 2, 2009-10 Evolved from looking at individual student projects to a broader, more holistic approach, which students can relate to Technology improvement will allow a more marketable multimedia ‘Webfolio’ outcome (using Pebble Pad) Still focusing on skills in terms of: - Academic - Work Related - Extra Curricular

9 The future How can Sussex Plus help students? Encourages participation in activities & projects. Skills development Webfolio: brings together degree, work, volunteering, extra-curricular activities, life experience. Enhanced, multimedia CV. Document skills, experiences, reflection Scan in certificates, web links, projects. Include photos, skills, action plans, reflective learning Use it to apply for work/courses Eye-catching

10 Uni targets: Key Performance Indicators 70% - UG students to engage with Sussex Plus by 2012 Sussex to be in League Tables’ Top 20 by 2015 % of first degree leavers in graduate level jobs 6 months after graduating to increase: 65% to 70% by 2015 100% of 1st degrees to achieve scores of over 4: National Student Satisfaction Survey personal development section by 2015

11 Our targets, 2009 - 2010 Pilot Phase 2 Up to 700 students Unlimited number of licences (5-year deal) Licenses for tutors/academic advisers

12 Who’s taking part, 2009 – 2010? Product design: Year 1 Geography: Year 2 Law: Year 1? Keen individual students Last year’s group projects Other interested groups: Student Union? Student Associate Scheme? Tutors/academic advisers

13 Who’s taking part, 2010 - 2012? Up to 70% of undergraduate students Tutor and academic adviser support – tutorial system Whole school buy-ins?

14 Language ‘Sussex Plus’ to staff and students Site: ‘Sussex Plus - powered by Pebble Pad’ Sussex Plus encompasses PDP: skills development, reflection, documentation

15 Benefits Focus group New, attractive technology Increased student employability Many UK unis encourage webfolios – e.g. Exeter, Kent, Surrey, Wolverhampton University-wide project Knock-on effect for Careers

16 Conclusion Learning curve Phase 2 of the pilot Positivity Many benefits – for students, staff, Careers Any questions?

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