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Sophie Chiang Lulu Chu Joy Lu Eric Li Henri Chen Hank Wang.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophie Chiang Lulu Chu Joy Lu Eric Li Henri Chen Hank Wang."— Presentation transcript:



3 Sophie Chiang Lulu Chu Joy Lu Eric Li Henri Chen Hank Wang

4 What is.... Cooperation

5 →Not to be limited in thoughts or power of only one person or animal.

6 What is.... Competition


8 AdvantagesDisadvantages Cooperation 1.Do a better work 2.Raise the efficiency 1. Members’ laziness or uncooperative will lower the efficiency. Competition 1.Improve ability 2.Learn skills 3.Person selected 1. Lead to tragedy or bad effects. 2.People start to use bad ways to achieve goals. Compare

9 What is Food Crisis? What is the relation between Food crisis and Cooperation – Competition?

10 Present Phenomenon This is the number of citizens all around the world year after year.


12 Example: Karawang, Indonesia. THE 15 th CENTURY Courtesy by


14 POLITICS Food import Food import PRICE IS INCREASING People cannot buy the food FOOD CRISIS

15 POLITICS Economical Embargo: PRICE IS INCREASING Hard to find the things

16 POLITICS Bio fuels Bio fuels refining Countries work on Alternative fuels

17 POLITICS Emerging countries grow The food they use increases


19 Environment Reduction of Arable Land Salinization Over- Exploitation Desertification Shortage of Water Resources Loss of Topsoil

20 Environment Development of Commercial and Industrial Global warming Fossil Fuels Over cropping the Forest Marine pollution

21 Environment Over mining Shortage of Petroleum

22 Economics Country divided into 2 : Developing country Developed country

23 Economics Economic Development Animal Husbandry develop To eat meat Diet Concept Food-waste of rich countries

24 Economics Sensationalization and Market Markets Turn Into Another Way Invest Some of The Large Enterprises Farmers Focused On Cash Crop

25 Global Climate Low Rainfall Unreliable Rainfall

26 Global Climate High Evatranspiration

27 Global Climate Urbanization Land subsidence Over logging Flood

28 Global Climate Arid Desertification Knock-on effect --Man-made disaster

29 SOCIAL Population Pressures Monopoly power of grain merchants -Fertility Policy -Reduction of the Mortality rate -Post-War

30 War and Civil war

31 Effects of food crisis 1.Food Or Oil Prices Soaring 2.Ecological Havoc 3.Grain Export Restrictions 4.Increased Of The Poverty 5.Negative Population Growth 6.Panic Buying Of Food and insurrection 7.Inflation 8.Negative Population Growth 9.Reduction of Our Health And Social Competitive Ability 10.Famine Population Boom 11.Failed States May Probably Spread the Disease, Terrorism, Illegal Drugs, Weapon and Refugee. 12.Menace To The Social Order

32 What is the relation between Food crisis and Cooperation – Competition? Cooperation: Competition: Different lines of business cooperate Aspiration of childbirth increase Population boom Food crisis Countries start wars to compete territory or resources Baby boomer

33 Population Boom

34 The causes of population boom

35 1.Science and Technology improve 2.Less war 3.Discover important techniques 4. Know how to preserve our health 5.The intellectual property rights

36 Effects of population boom 1.Industrial revolution(18 th ) 2.Environment destruction 3.Global warming 4.Nervous relationship between countries 5.Increase of summiting crimes 6.Spread of infectious diseases 7.Increase of the unemployed

37 Our future Population boom + Industrialization + Food crisis + Resources exhaust + Environment worsen

38 Future 1 Terrible & miserable future

39 Future 2 Wonderful & hopeful future

40 Which future do we like? How can we have the one we want? By competition? By cooperation?

41 What we do now leads to what we will have in the future.

42 Our Actions International: 1.Appropriate food limitation of rich countries 2.Give backward and be lack of resources countries help and education guidance. 3.Be careful to choose alternative fuels. 4.Start green resources.

43 Our Actions Government: 1. Work out birth policy and welfare allowance. 2. Encourage farmers to grow grain food and give allowance. 3. Make rules of using special resources and the limitation of mining. 4. Concepts guidance

44 Our Actions Person: 1.Vegetarianism 2.Don’t litter. 3.Don’t waste food. 4.Drink more water. 5.Prepare own chopsticks and spoon.

45 Conclusion

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