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Ecological Crisis and Survival Crisis Tian, Song (田松) The Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecological Crisis and Survival Crisis Tian, Song (田松) The Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecological Crisis and Survival Crisis Tian, Song (田松) The Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University Dec8-11.2102 Chongqing South-South Forum

2 Three preconditions of a civilization A group of people, an isolated valley of a mountain. A group of people, an isolated valley of a mountain. Ecological precondition, Ecological precondition, Technological precondition, Technological precondition, Cultural Precondition. Cultural Precondition.

3 Survival problem 1, to take necessary materials from its environment; 2, to distribute the materials took from nature. Social institution, Fair, justice, equality, Technology, productivity, Free of poverty, famine,

4 Traditional society The main task for solve survival problem was that, to find a better social distribution institution. The main task for solve survival problem was that, to find a better social distribution institution. Reform, revolution Reform, revolution The productivity was low, The productivity was low, The technology was changing slow, The technology was changing slow, The materials human was able to take The materials human was able to take from nature could be seen as a constant.

5 Industrial civilization Science and scientific technology Science and scientific technology More and more materials could be acquired with the help of scientific technology, More and more materials could be acquired with the help of scientific technology, A new direction for solving survival problem, A new direction for solving survival problem, Pay more attention on increase productivity. Pay more attention on increase productivity. An ideology of one-direction social development. An ideology of one-direction social development. Survival problem is seemingly solved~~~ Survival problem is seemingly solved~~~

6 Science and its technology? 1, the capital proliferation is the most important thing above all, the validity of governments 2 , science and its technology have to serve for the capital proliferation ; 3 , such technologies generally originated from the mathematical and physical science which are based on the view of mechanism; 4 , the role of science community;

7 Mechanism Natural View Mechanism, Mechanism, Reductionism, Reductionism, Determinism Determinism The epistemology foundation of Mathematical and Physical sciences The epistemology foundation of Mathematical and Physical sciences A main part of ideology of industrial civilization, which prevailing with A main part of ideology of industrial civilization, which prevailing with

8 Scientific technology Experiential technology Experiential technology To treat nature as a set of non-bio materials. To treat nature as a set of non-bio materials. Ecological problem Ecological problem

9 conservation of energy and matter First law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of energy and matter. First law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of energy and matter. Scientific technology can not create things from vain, it can only transform things, from one state to another state, one place to another place. Scientific technology can not create things from vain, it can only transform things, from one state to another state, one place to another place.

10 Modernization is a food Chain The upstream The downstream nature

11 The globalized food Chain The upstream The downstream Downstream nature

12 The problems are still there 1, the equality and justice issues was not solved, but neglected, or pushed to future; 2, in modern societies, theoretically, human has equal human right, including the equal right to exploit nature; 3, such equality is only an ideal, the modernization is a food chain---the ecological problems are transferred to the downstream; 4, the worsen of ecological problem at downstream  the global ecological crisis, 5, and all human beings face the survival crisis because of the collapse of global ecology in the coming future.

13 The precondition of the food Chain The upstream The downstream nature Energy and matter with low entropy value Garbage. Energy and matter with high entropy value

14 Ecological problem  Ecological crisis Survival problem  Survival crisis The upstream The downstream nature

15 Collapse!!!  globalized ecological crisis globalized survival crisis The upstream The downstream nature

16 Energy worship No clean energy, No clean energy, The clean energy is also a tool for capital proliferation. The clean energy is also a tool for capital proliferation. Garbage problem Garbage problem

17 This society needs to be changed completely! Ideology, Ideology, Social institutions, Social institutions, The role of science and scientific technology, The role of science and scientific technology, The way of education The way of education …… ……

18 The real question is not:

19 Yun Gang Cave, Shanxi province (山西,云岗石窟) ; October 26, 2003

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