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Mary Ledbetter, Systems Sales Engineer. What is a Data Warehouse, really? Operational systems - not designed for Analysis Complex and slow for Analytical.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Ledbetter, Systems Sales Engineer. What is a Data Warehouse, really? Operational systems - not designed for Analysis Complex and slow for Analytical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Ledbetter, Systems Sales Engineer

2 What is a Data Warehouse, really? Operational systems - not designed for Analysis Complex and slow for Analytical queries Can impact performance while being queried.

3 Operational SystemsData Warehousing Systems high-volume transaction processing with minimal back- end reporting. high-volume analytical processing (i.e. OLAP) and often elaborate report generation. process-orientedsubject-oriented concerned with current data.concerned with historical data. Data updated regularly according to need. Data non-volatile, new data may be added regularly, but once loaded, the data is rarely changed and read-only. optimized to perform fast inserts and updates of relatively small volumes of data. optimized to perform fast retrievals of relatively large volumes of data. application-specific, resulting in a multitude of partially integrated systems (e.g. billing data is not integrated with payroll data). integrated at a layer above the application layer, avoiding data redundancy problems. require a non-trivial level of computing skills amongst the end-user community. appeal to an end-user community with a wide range of computing skills, from novice to expert users. What is a Data Warehouse, really?


5 Dimensional Design – the De Facto Standard WhereScape RED builds detailed, dimensional Data Warehouses directly from Operational Systems – quickly and cheaply, from Data Source to OLAP cube

6  Conceived, Evolved and Developed by and for Technologists  Builds and Manages Dimensional Data Warehouses FAST (SQL)  Promotes Iterative Development from its Core – Shared Understanding  Mature Software – over 10 years of proven Successes – 400+ Customers  Results in Business Rules and Processes in one place….. What is WhereScape RED?

7 Where RED fits

8 WhereScape RED Technical Architecture

9 WhereScape RED Object types

10 Value of WhereScape RED  Productivity – Build Fast with Less Risk  Manageability – Low TCO to Develop, Change and Support  Supportability – Consistent and Fully Documented

11 What does this mean to SQL Server Users?  Key ingredient to Microsoft SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0  Leverage what Microsoft SQL Server does Best – Native SSIS integration  Enhance the Power of the Microsoft Stack - Integrated SSAS Cube Development, Workflow, SSRS

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