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Central Government Debt Statistics Working Party on Financial Statistics meeting Paris, 11-12 October 2004 Isabelle Ynesta National Accounts and Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Government Debt Statistics Working Party on Financial Statistics meeting Paris, 11-12 October 2004 Isabelle Ynesta National Accounts and Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Government Debt Statistics Working Party on Financial Statistics meeting Paris, 11-12 October 2004 Isabelle Ynesta National Accounts and Financial Statistics OECD Statistics Directorate

2 Objectives of the presentation  Central Government Debt statistics.  Project of a memorandum table in the Financial Accounts relative to central government debt.  In nominal value  With residual maturity structure  With more detailed debt instruments  With Guarantees included

3 Central government debt statistics  Are collected from national sources (debt agencies) based on a questionnaire agreed by the Working Party on Government Debt Management (WPGDM).  Focus on borrowings requirements by governments to finance their budget deficits.  Provide a unique and detailed overview of the various marketable and non-marketable debt instruments in each OECD Member country.  Debt instruments are reported in nominal value and in national currency for the relevant fiscal year.  The maturity structure of outstanding debt instruments is residual maturity.  The coverage is limited to central government debt issuance. It excludes state and local government debt and social security funds.

4 Project of an additional table in the Financial Accounts relative to central government debt.  In order to better inform public debt analysts, the OECD secretariat proposes to create a new memorandum table in the framework of the OECD/Eurostat questionnaire, entitled “Central government debt by instrument, in nominal value”.  The table focuses on the institutional sector S1311 – Central Government.  Debt instruments are reported in nominal value.  The maturity structure of the debt instruments is residual maturity.  Debt instruments are more detailed.  Guarantees given by central government to various institutional sectors are included in the table.

5 Structure and content of this new table  AF.2 Currency and deposits  AF.3 Securities other than shares  AF.33 Securities other than shares, except financial derivatives AF.331 Short-term securities other than shares, except financial derivatives: of which –Treasury bills –Commercial papers –Other AF.332 Long-term securities other than shares, except financial derivatives: of which –Fixed rate bonds »Short-term bonds »Medium-term bonds »Long-term bonds –Index-linked bonds –Variable-rate notes – Other  AF.34 Financial derivatives

6 Structure and content of the table (Cont.)  AF.4 Loans  AF.5 Shares and other equity  AF.7 Other account payable  Guarantees given by the central government to  S11 Non-financial corporations  S12 Financial corporations  S14-S15 Households and NPISHs  S2 Rest of the world  Total central government debt

7 Conclusions  No decision is expected today  The OECD secretariat will consult the delegates via a written procedure on this proposition.  However, comments are welcome. THANK YOU

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