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Taiwan Situation. Tensions begin with 1949 Communist take-over of China Chiang flees to Taiwan with over 2 million refugees Resentment grows between natives.

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1 Taiwan Situation

2 Tensions begin with 1949 Communist take-over of China Chiang flees to Taiwan with over 2 million refugees Resentment grows between natives and the Kuomintang Chiang imposes martial law on the island (lasts for over 38 years) Thousands of opponents are executed & restrictions placed on civil & political liberties

3 Korean War U.S. becomes involved in Taiwan situation during Korean War Pres. Truman orders the 7 th fleet into the Taiwan strait to prevent a possible Chinese attack on the island U.S. considered Taiwan a buffer between Communist expansion in Asia and provided them with money & military supplies

4 Independence Movement (1960s) U.S. relations with China begin to improve in an effort to prevent Soviet expansionism 1979 the U.S. formally recognizes the People’s Republic of China, severing “official” diplomatic ties with Taiwan U.S. accepts Beijing’s “One China” mandate 1979 U.S. creates the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) which creates “unofficial” ties with Taiwan

5 Chiang Kai-Shek’s death (1975) Kai-Shek’s son (Chiang Ching-Kuo) would take over as President of the R.O.C. from 1975 until 1988 Following Chiang Ching-Kuo’s death, Lee Teng-hui becomes the first native Islander to become President He strengthened diplomatic relations with the U.S. 1996 Won the first “popular vote” election in Taiwan’s history

6 Hong Kong 1997 – British prepared to return control of Hong Kong to China Taiwan conducted military exercises in the Taiwan strait as a sign that they would not be controlled by China as Hong Kong was going to be U.S. steps up military help (fighter jets are sent to the island) The Pro – Independence Democratic Progressive Party wins municipal elections around Taiwan

7 2000 Elections in Taiwan Increased tensions between China & Taiwan 3 main candidates compete Chen Shui-bien (DPP) wins the election China’s Premier (Zhu Rongji) threatens “bloodshed” if Taiwanese voters “acted on impulse” and voted for Chen DPP promotes Taiwanese independence Chen announces that Taiwan will not press for independence unless they come under direct attack

8 2008 Election March 22, 2008 – Ma Ying-jeou gains 58% of the vote and becomes the President of the Republic of China Chairman of the Kuomintang (Nationalist People’s Party) His Presidency ended 8 years of DPP rule Urged his policy of “no reunification, no independence, and no war during his tenure as President” Kuomintang officially opposes Taiwanese independence while the DPP traditionally seeks an independent Taiwan

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