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Introduction of Taiwan By: Gloria, Tsai-ping Lee Bureau of Health Promotion Department of Health Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction of Taiwan By: Gloria, Tsai-ping Lee Bureau of Health Promotion Department of Health Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction of Taiwan By: Gloria, Tsai-ping Lee Bureau of Health Promotion Department of Health Taiwan

2 Taiwan Introduction  Taiwan is located in Southeast Asia, to the west is the Taiwan Strait beyond which is China.  It is 386 km spanning north to south, and spans 143 km east to west, shaped like a sweet potato.  The Central Mountain Range extends from north to south, and is covered in forests. The island is composed of hills, plateaus, seaside valleys and basins.  It has excellent biodiversity and contains different geographic types. All shades of green can be found on the islands. 1517 Sighted by Portuguese vessels en route to Japan and named Formosa (beautiful island).

3 Team Members  Name: Gloria, Tsai-ping Lee  Job title: Technical Specialist  Organization: Bureau of Health Promotion Department of Health Taiwan  Length of Time in This Position :Four years and eight months  The mission of our bureau: unifying the public health promotion prevention and health manpower and resources, develops and carries out the health promotion policies.

4 General demographics Population Size:23million(3 times of GA) Area:36,000 square km.(1/4 of GA) Population density:635 people/km² Per capita income:US$15,000 Literacy rate: 95.8% Population growth rate:3‰, crude birth rate 9‰, crude death rate 6 ‰ Fertility rate: 1.12 children Infant mortality rate: 4.6 deaths/10,000 live births life expectancy: male 74.7 female 80.5


6 Country Health System – Challenges & Priorities  Population transition of aging society  Decline in birthrate  Increasing demand of health promotion and health care



9 The Focuses of the Bureau Health Life Management Low Birth Rate Aging Society Diversified Life Style and Environments Health Disparity Trend Healthy Birth & Development Health Aging Health Life & Communities Reducing Health Disparity Establishing a Complete Health Services for Mother & Children Major Chronic Diseases Prevention Promoting Community- based Healthy Life style Improving Women & Minority Health Visions Strategy

10 My MIPH Goals  We have plans to improve the preventive care system and to create a management capacity-building development program in our country.  I would use the knowledge and skills that I gain from MIPH to build the management capacity-building development program in the preventive care system.

11 Thank You for Your Attention!

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