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Responding to Literature Houghton Mifflin Grade 3 D. Crisler 2012/2013.

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1 Responding to Literature Houghton Mifflin Grade 3 D. Crisler 2012/2013

2 Dancing Rainbows

3 Authentic Literacy Connection Obj: TSW describe how their own surroundings affect life in their communty. Act: Look on p. 216-217. Describe the land and climate where Curt and Andy live. Discuss how their surroundings affect life in their communty. Discuss how your surroudings affect life in your own community. Write about your community and the activitiese you participate in because of your surroundings. Illustrate an example of what you do and why or how your surroundings support your activities. If you do not like your community or surroundings draw a picture of where you would rather live and what you would do if you lived there. Guiding Question: Do you like living in your community? Support your answer.

4 Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Page Or paragraph Andy and Curt participate in specifice activities because of the community and surroundings in which they live. Use your text to show an example. Do you like living in your community? Support your answer.

5 Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Page Or paragraph Andy was talking to Curt While they were working in the field “We must always take care of our land” Here I can tell Andy thinks farming and taking care of the earth is important If they are taking care of the earth then they might be farmers like their ancestors. Obviously, farmers rely on the earth to help them grow crops so they would want to take care of the earth. 211 Andy and Curt participate in specifice activities because of the community and surroundings in which they live. Use your text to show an example. Do you like living in your community? Support your answer.

6 While reading Dancing Rainbows I discovered Andy and Curt enjoy living in their community and it affects the activities they enjoy. While Andy and Curt were working in the field, Andy told Curt, “We must always take care of our land.” Here I can tell Andy thinks farming and taking care of the earth is important. If they are taking care of the earth then they might be farmers like their ancestors. Obviously, farmers rely on the earth to help them grow crops so they would want to take care of the earth. Andy and Curt seems to enjoy living in their community.

7 When I thought about how my own community and surroundings, I realized I (enjoy/do not enjoy) many activities available in my community. For example, I like to ……. Because I live in Safford, I ………. Obviously you can see I (enjoy/do not enjoy) living in my communty.

8 Additional Extensions You may want to choose one of the extension activities on the following slides to focus on additional skills or to help students make connections.

9 Picture the Details Obj: TSW identify main idea and details You have already found topics, main ideas, and details as you read Dancing Rainbows. Now find them in the pictures. Choose three pictures Decide on a main idea for each one. Find two details in the picture that support the main idea of each picture you chose. Get together with a classmate and share what you have found in your pictures.

10 Celebrate! In Dancing rainbows, on Feast Day, Curt and his family celebrate in many ways. Choose a holiday or special event that your family celebrates. Compare and contrast your celebration with curt’s. Think about Food Fun Family Write a paragraph telling what is alike and different about the two celebrations.

11 Land of the Tewa What do you know about the place where the Tewa live? Look for details in the story. Look at the pictures Next, find the names of the Tewa’s state and town and look them up in the encyclopedia. Take notes as you read. Reread your notes. Then write a description of this place.

12 Comparing Characters Dancing Rainbows and The Talking Cloth are similar in many ways. Work with a partner to compare and contrast two selections. Pick a character from each selection to compare. For example, you might compare Aunt Phoebe and Andy or Curt and Amber. Use a Venn diagram to show how the subjects are different and how they are alike. Share your Venn diagram with another pair of classmates.

13 Singing like… Evelyn Clarke Mott, the author of Dancing Rainbows, uses many similes to tell her story. Similies are fun, useful ways to describe things. Work with a small group to write similes. Sit ina circle. Write the beginning of a simile on a piece of paper. For example, the rain sounds like _________. Pass papers around the circle to the right. Finish your classmate’s simile. Then write the first part of a new simile below it. Pass the paper to your right again. Keep passing the papers until you get back your first simile. Then take turns reading the complete similes on your piece of paper.

14 Pick a Topic There is information in Dancing Rainbows on many aspects of Tewa life. Pick one of these topics and find out more about it. Bread Farms Drums Eagle and buffalo Use an encyclopedia. Find information on your topic. Take notes on index cards. Each card should have one main idea and at least two supporting details. Then share what you have learned with a group. Use our note cards in the group discussion

15 Sights and Sounds A lot of things happen of Feast Day. What would yyou see, smell, taste, feel, and hear if you were there? Reread the selection and look at the pictures again. Now make a chart like the one below. Write details in the chart for each of the five categories. SeeingHearingTastingFeelingSmelling

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