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Vocabulary PowerPoint. rescue In traditional fairy tales, princes often rescue or save, young women in trouble.

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1 Vocabulary PowerPoint

2 rescue In traditional fairy tales, princes often rescue or save, young women in trouble.

3 rescue – to save from danger

4 hideous Some tales feature a hideous ogre or another extremely ugly character.

5 hideous – very ugly

6 exploding Many fairy tale movies end with fireworks exploding in the sky.

7 exploding – blowing up

8 battle The hero of a tale sometimes must fight an enemy in a dangerous battle.

9 battle – part of war

10 wealthy Some characters in fairy tales may be wealthy, while others may be very poor.

11 wealthy – very rich

12 refused The fairy tale princess refused to marry the man chosen to wed her.

13 refused – said “ no ” to

14 invisible This hero wishes his cape could make him invisible, or unable to be seen.

15 invisible – unable to be seen

16 hired Long ago, storytellers were hired by kings and queens, who paid them to entertain.

17 hired- given a job

18 immense Fairy tales may be set in places of immense size, such as huge castles. Located in Poland, Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world.

19 immense - huge Located in Poland, Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world.

20 warrior Some tales feature a strong, brave warrior who fights to protect the kingdom.

21 warrior - fighter

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