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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Did you turn in your Annotated Works Cited on Thursday to TURNITIN.COM? Please place your responses to the Conferencing.

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Presentation on theme: "Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Did you turn in your Annotated Works Cited on Thursday to TURNITIN.COM? Please place your responses to the Conferencing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Did you turn in your Annotated Works Cited on Thursday to TURNITIN.COM? Please place your responses to the Conferencing Questions due, today, Monday, April 25 th, into the basket. I must know any scheduling conflicts (out on a field trip, AP Exams, etc.) that may arise between Friday, April 29 th through Tuesday, May 10th Have out and review your “Strategies for AP Literature Exam: Multiple Choice” (blue sheets) Homework: Find and review notes: “What? How? Why? So What?” Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

2 Past, Present, Future Monday AP Exam Strategies & Review: Prose Multiple Choice Inquiry Project Annotated Works Cited (#8) - April 21st into TURNITIN.COM AP Exam Strategies & Review: Prose Multiple Choice Inquiry Project Conferencing Questions (#7) - Monday, April 25th Also, add any scheduling conflicts (out on a field trip, AP Exams, etc.) that may arise between Friday, April 29th through Tuesday, May 10 th AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation

3 AP Exam Review Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to practice & review strategies for reading closely and making critical responses to literature Relevance: Scoring well on the AP Exam may earn you college credit Essential Questions: What strategies do I know to apply to the AP Exam? How do I create meaning when confronted with ambiguous texts?

4 Activity: Develop & Apply Monday Purpose: to review previous materials and re-evaluate responses by applying strategies and prior-knowledge in order to see how much more successful we can be! Tasks: 1.Borrow a testing packet off the side table and re-read the prose passages, page 94 (questions 15-22 passage) and page 98 (questions 33-43) 2.Re-examine the questions you missed for 15-22 and questions 33-43 you missed. 3.Without asking a peer, can you determine why that answer is wrong AND what a better answer would be? 4.Get into small groups, and discuss the answers to your assigned questions; be prepared to explain how you used POE etc. to find the best answer Outcome: Let’s crack ‘em, or at least some of ‘em (answers and discussion) Of the prose passages we’ve reviewed (Poe’s “The Duc De L’Omelette,” excerpt from Eliot’s Middlemarch, or excerpt from Chopin’s The Awakening) or which would you have chosen to start with (strengths) vs. mark (X) to do last? Homework: Find and review notes: “What? How? Why? So What?” Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

5 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday Did you turn in your Annotated Works Cited on Thursday to TURNITIN.COM? Did you turn in your Conferencing Questions yesterday, Monday, April 25 th, into the basket? I must know any scheduling conflicts (out on a field trip, AP Exams, etc.) that may arise between Friday, April 29 th through Tuesday, May 10th Have out and review your “Strategies for AP Literature Exam: Multiple Choice” View “Metaphysical poetry!” (An AP Student’s Project) Homework: Find and review notes: “Poetry Terminology” – Don’t worry about memorizing them, instead use the Poetry Foundation definitions to categorize the terms (e.g. Sound Devices, Figures of Speech – and even subcategories – ) Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

6 Past, Present, Future Tuesday AP Exam Strategies & Review: Prose Multiple Choice Inquiry Project Annotated Works Cited (#8) & Conferencing Questions (#7) AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation

7 AP Exam Review Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to practice & review strategies for reading closely and making critical responses to literature Relevance: Scoring well on the AP Exam may earn you college credit Essential Questions: What strategies do I know to apply to the AP Exam? How do I create meaning when confronted with ambiguous texts?

8 Activity: Develop & Apply Tuesday Purpose: to review exam format, strategies, and prior-knowledge in order to be more successful on the exam Task: 1.Review strategies for multiple choice (poetry) 2.Apply strategies to Marvell’s “On a Drop of Dew” (12 minutes) 3.I DO #1 & #2 4.YOU DO (odds or evens, 4 small groups) 5.YOU DO (join your similar group #s and compare – correct answers) Outcome: Let’s crack ’em! (answers and discussion) Homework: Find and review notes: “Poetry Terminology” – Don’t worry about memorizing them, instead use the Poetry Foundation definitions to categorize the terms (e.g. Sound Devices, Figures of Speech – and even subcategories – ) Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

9 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday Grab a purple survey sheet off the front table Respond and turn back into the basket ALSO, take a look at the presentation information that is now posted… Homework: Find and review notes: “Poetry: How to Find Your Way – TPCASTT” Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

10 Past, Present, Future Wednesday AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project: Presentation Schedule AP Exam Strategies & Review: Free Response Strategies Inquiry Project: Presentation Schedule Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation

11 AP Exam Review Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to practice & review strategies for reading closely and making critical responses to literature Relevance: Scoring well on the AP Exam may earn you college credit Essential Questions: What strategies do I know to apply to the AP Exam? How do I create meaning when confronted with ambiguous texts?

12 Activity: Develop & Apply Purpose: to review previous materials and re-evaluate responses by applying strategies and prior-knowledge in order to see how much more successful we can be! Tasks: 1.Borrow a testing packet off the side table and re-read the poem, page 90-91 (questions 1-14 poem) and play excerpt page 96 (questions 23-32). 2.Re-examine the poetry questions you missed for 1-14 “Between the World and Me” and 23-32, the play excerpt Troilus &Cressida. 3.Without asking a peer, can you determine why that answer is wrong AND what a better answer would be? Outcome: Let’s crack ‘em, or at least some of ‘em (answers and discussion) Of the poems (and prose) which have you selected to do first?! Homework: Find and review notes: “Poetry: How to Find Your Way – TPCASTT” Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

13 Have you been reviewing on your own time? 1.Revisit your AP/College Board Web Quest from August and the AP English Literature and Composition: Course Overview web page composition#2 Click on AP English Literature and Composition Couse Description (PDF) (center of page, small, blue link). Scroll through and find “The Exam.” Review the format, passages, and questions. composition#2 2.Find and review notes: “What? How? Why? So What?” 3.Find and review notes: “Poetry Terminology” – Don’t worry about memorizing them, instead use the Poetry Foundation definitions to categorize the terms (e.g. Sound Devices, Figures of Speech – and even subcategories – ) 4.Find and review notes: “Poetry: How to Find Your Way – TPCASTT” 5.Find and review notes: “SOAPSTONE” and “SOAPSTone For Writing Essays” 6.Find and review your Novel/Play Review Guides: What novels have we read? Which do you feel the most conformable with? Know the best?

14 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Thursday Grab a copy of “Strategies for AP Literature Exam: Free Response: the 40-Minute Essay” and “Overall Goals” and read through it! Returns Homework: Find and review notes: “SOAPSTONE” and “SOAPSTone For Writing Essays” Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th

15 Past, Present, Future Thursday AP Exam Strategies & Review: Poetry Multiple Choice Inquiry Project: Presentation Schedule AP Exam Strategies & Review: Free Response Strategies Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation

16 AP Exam Review Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to practice & review strategies for reading closely and making critical responses to literature Relevance: Scoring well on the AP Exam may earn you college credit Essential Questions: What strategies do I know to apply to the AP Exam? How do I create meaning when confronted with ambiguous texts?

17 Activity: Develop & Apply Thursday Purpose: to review exam format, strategies, and prior-knowledge in order to be more successful on the exam Tasks: Speed Dating! 1.Apply the Free Response Pre-writing Strategies to an AP Exam Poetry Passage (Ques. 1 “A Story”) – 10 minutes 2.Discuss What is the prompt asking you to do? What did you note about point of view? What? How? Why? So what? What did you note about structure? What? How? Why? So what? 1.(partner) Read Sample Response 1A: Q1 to see how another student responded to this poem – note how the analysis addresses the prompt and how the pieces of PIE are organized Consider AP Commentary 2.Read Sample Response 1A: 1A to see how another student responded to this poem – note how the analysis addresses the prompt and how the pieces of PIE are organized Consider AP Commentary Outcome: How did you do on your dates?

18 Activity: Develop & Apply Thursday Purpose: to review exam format, strategies, and prior-knowledge in order to be more successful on the exam Tasks: Speed Dating! 1.Apply the Free Response Pre-writing Strategies to an AP Exam Prose Passage (Ques. 2 Middlemarch passage) – 10 minutes 2.Discuss What is the prompt asking you to do? What did you note about narrative perspective? What? How? Why? So what? What did you note about details? What? How? Why? So what? 1.(partner) Read Sample Response 2A: 2 to see how another student responded to this passage – note how the analysis addresses the prompt and how the pieces of PIE are organized Consider AP Commentary 2.Read Sample Response 2A: Question 2 to see how another student responded to this passage – note how the analysis addresses the prompt and how the pieces of PIE are organized Consider AP Commentary Outcome: How did you do on your dates?

19 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Due NOW in to the front basket! What novels and plays have we (you) read this year in this literature class? Who are the authors/ playwrights? Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston Novel: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Novel: The Stranger by Albert Camus Novel: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Drama: The Oedipus Cycle by Sophocles Drama: Hamlet by William Shakespeare Drama: Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller What other titles of literary merit have you read for independent reading? Find and review your Novel/Play Review Guides: What novels have we read? Which do you feel the most conformable with? Know the best?

20 Past, Present, Future Friday AP Exam Strategies & Review: Free Response Strategies Inquiry Project Brief Reflective Paper (#9) – Friday, April 29th Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation AP Exam (see next) Inquiry Project Presenations Meaning & Purpose of Product Paragraph (#10) – On day of your presentation

21 Have you been reviewing on your own time? 1.Revisit the AP English Literature and Composition: Course Overview web page composition#2 : “The Exam.” Review the format, passages, and questions. composition#2 2.Find and review notes: “What? How? Why? So What?” 3.Find and review notes: “Poetry Terminology” – Don’t worry about memorizing them, instead use the Poetry Foundation definitions to categorize the terms (e.g. Sound Devices, Figures of Speech – and even subcategories – ) 4.Find and review notes: “Poetry: How to Find Your Way – TPCASTT” 5.Find and review notes: “SOAPSTONE” and “SOAPSTone For Writing Essays” 6.Find and review your Novel/Play Review Guides: What novels have we read? Which do you feel the most conformable with? Know the best?

22 AP Exam Review Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to practice & review strategies for reading closely and making critical responses to literature Relevance: Scoring well on the AP Exam may earn you college credit Essential Questions: What strategies do I know to apply to the AP Exam? How do I create meaning when confronted with ambiguous texts?

23 Activity: Develop & Apply Friday Purpose: to review exam format, strategies, and prior-knowledge in order to be more successful on the exam Tasks: Speed Dating! 1.Apply the pre-writing strategies to an AP Exam Open Prompt (Ques. 3 a work of literary merit) – 5 minutes 2.Pass it on and apply strategies Outcome: Share and compare. How did you do on your dates? (see next) With which did you struggle? With which did you do well? Find and review your Novel/Play Review Guides: What novels have we read? Which do you feel the most conformable with? Know the best?

24 Exam Prompts 2009 A Symbol’s function and what it Reveals about Characters or Themes of Work as a Whole 2012 Cultural, Physical, and Geographical shape Psychological or Moral Traits of a Character and illuminate Meaning of the Work as a Whole 2013 Bildungsroman, Single Pivotal Moment (psychological or moral development) shapes Meaning as Whole 2014 Deliberate Sacrifice, Surrender, Forfeit Something shows Values of a Character and deeper meaning of Work as a Whole 2015 Cruelty (crucial motivation or major social or political factor) Functions in Work as a Whole and what it Reveals about Perpetrator/Victim

25 Have you been reviewing on your own time? 1.Revisit the AP English Literature and Composition: Course Overview web page composition#2 : “The Exam.” Review the format, passages, and questions. composition#2 2.Find and review notes: “What? How? Why? So What?” 3.Find and review notes: “Poetry Terminology” – Don’t worry about memorizing them, instead use the Poetry Foundation definitions to categorize the terms (e.g. Sound Devices, Figures of Speech – and even subcategories – ) 4.Find and review notes: “Poetry: How to Find Your Way – TPCASTT” 5.Find and review notes: “SOAPSTONE” and “SOAPSTone For Writing Essays” 6.Find and review your Novel/Play Review Guides: What novels have we read? Which do you feel the most conformable with? Know the best?

26 If time allows… Open Speed Date (2011-12 Prof. Develop. Ques. 3 search for justice) Read model response (2011-12 Prof. Develop. Ques. 3 Things Fall Apart = 9) Other Categorize terminology The Importance of Being Earnest Film version of the famous play (94 minutes)

27 Final Independent Reading and Inquiry Project All Colorado Academic Standards Objective: to investigate, in depth, a topic of personal interest by using several different books and sources that you select. Essential Questions: Determined by you! Relevance: Determined by you! And… Additional critical reading and synthesis to prep yourself for the final AP Literature exam

28 Independent Novel Inquiry Product Presentations Each student is designated 10 minutes on his/her assigned day (unless you requested more time) Set up technology, arrange the room, etc. as needed Turn in your Meaning & Purpose paragraph PRIOR to your presentation. ? Marks on schedules designate students who did not estimate their presentation time; you are still allotted 10 minutes. Trades/shifts must be made by Friday, April 29 th. Product presentations must be in front of your peers. Product presentations must be completed by 3:01 PM on Tuesday, May 11 th.

29 Period 1 Monday, May 2Tuesday, May 3Wednesday, May4Thursday, May 5Friday, May 6 1. Claudia W 3-5 2. Daulton J 4-10 3. Jordan H 2-? 1. Jackson B ? 2. Emma C 10 3. Dylan S 5-8 4. Oralia CG 10 5. Ali S 7-10 AP Exam - AM1. Riley dR 10-15 2. Baylee S 5 3. Tink L 3-5 4. Michelle E ? 5. Zach P ? Assembly Schedule No presentations Monday, May 9Tuesday, May 10 1. Vitallie J 6 2. Ben G ? 3. Garrett H ? 4. Harris N 10 5. Bailey M 5 1. Jordan M 10+ 2. Alissa M 10 Senior Breakfast, Yearbooks, Etc

30 Period 2 Monday, May 2Tuesday, May 3Wednesday, May4Thursday, May 5Friday, May 6 1. Viridi H 10 2. Alex L 5-7 3. Emmitt C ? 4. Zach S ? 1. Abigail T 3-4 2. Matt B 5-10 3. Taylor SS AND 4. Cole H 15 5. Michael L 5-10 AP Exam - AM1. Ian N 3-4 2. Korina R 10 3. Graham G 10 4. Tylor O ? 5. Johnathan H 7-10 Assembly Schedule No presentations Monday, May 9Tuesday, May 10 1.Bryana 5-10 2.Erin S 10 3.Antony A ? 4.Jessica K 8-13 5.Angelo S 5 1. Tara 7-10 2. Ethan F ? 3. Saydra S 10 Senior Breakfast, Yearbooks, Etc

31 Period 6 Monday, May 2Tuesday, May 3Wednesday, May4Thursday, May 5Friday, May 6 1. Nia VW 8-10 2. Noah S 6-7 1. Tess A 5 2. Gabby G 3 3. Danielle S 8-10 4. James F ? 5. Siena A 8-10 AP Exam – AM Does anyone want to present on this day instead? 1. Richard H 5-10 2. Jonathan C 5 3. Alaynas D 5-6 4. Maya M 3-5 5. Sheldon D 5 Assembly Schedule No presentations Monday, May 9Tuesday, May 10 1. Fred N 6-10 2. Bailey S 5-7 3. Mary R 6 4. Aliea F 3-5 5. Henry R ? 1. Joseph Q 7-12 2. Brytne O ? Senior Breakfast, Yearbooks, Etc

32 Monday April 25 th Tuesday April 26 th Wednesday April 27 th Thursday April 28 th Friday April 29 th Conferencing Questions Due! Exam Review Period 1 – Answers to MC AP Free Response Strategies AP Exam Poem – How would you respond? –Here’s how others did Exam Review AP Exam Poem – How would you respond? –Here’s how others did AP Exam Prose – How would you respond? –Here’s how others did Brief Reflective Paper Due! Exam Review AP Exam Novel – What novels would you use and how?

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