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 Good characters  Kind? Innocent? Clever?  Helped by others?  Evil Characters  A witch? Mean stepmother? Talking animal?  Lose in the end?

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Presentation on theme: " Good characters  Kind? Innocent? Clever?  Helped by others?  Evil Characters  A witch? Mean stepmother? Talking animal?  Lose in the end?"— Presentation transcript:



3  Good characters  Kind? Innocent? Clever?  Helped by others?  Evil Characters  A witch? Mean stepmother? Talking animal?  Lose in the end?

4  Is there a castle? A prince? A princess? A king? A queen?

5  A poor working girl? A poor family?

6  Talking animals? Fairies? Magical things happening?

7  You might see things, phrases, tasks appear in threes, sixes and sevens…

8  In groups, choose one fairy tale  Summarize it. Include the most important events.  Talk about any good and evil characters, royalty, poverty, magic and number patterns included in your fairy tale.

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