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EDU 545 Assessment and Intervention Tara Young. Assignments and Grading Attendance and Particpation—10 points 4 Article Summaries—40 points Interview.

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Presentation on theme: "EDU 545 Assessment and Intervention Tara Young. Assignments and Grading Attendance and Particpation—10 points 4 Article Summaries—40 points Interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDU 545 Assessment and Intervention Tara Young

2 Assignments and Grading Attendance and Particpation—10 points 4 Article Summaries—40 points Interview of Educational Specialist—10 points Unit Plan—20 points IEP—20 points Total= 100 points – A—93 and above – B—86-92 – C—78-85 – D—70-77 – F—below 70

3 Day 1—July 11, 2011 1.What do you know? 2.What do you need to know? 3.What is RtII? 4.What are the 4 types of assessment and how and why are they used? 5.Homework: Develop a model classroom that is closely related to your current/future position.

4 If you wan to get ahead… Find a sample IEP and/or 504 plan to bring to class Find and summarize articles about Reading, Math, Behavioral Interventions and Interventions for the physically disabled. – Four separate articles – Summaries must be 1 page minimum/2 page maximum – Typed-- TNR 12 pt font, double spaced, 1 inch margins

5 Day 2—July 12, 2011 Let’s look at SAS – How do Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, Standards and Interventions interrelate? – What types of students might need intervention? Reading Math Behavioral Physical disabilities Create 4 Student Profiles -Homework: Due July 14 th. Find and summarize two articles— 1 about Reading Interventions the other about Math Interventions

6 Day 3—July 13, 2011 Norm-referenced assessments Criterion-referenced assessments Analyzing Standardized testing data Overview final project Independent time: Interview—5-7 Questions about how assessment and intervention impact their role and students in their district – LEAs, School Psychologists, Special Ed teachers/supervisors, etc…

7 Day 4—July 14, 2011 Reading and Math Interventions Homework: Due July 15 th. Find and summarize an article on Behavioral Interventions and an article on Interventions for Physically disabled

8 Day 5—July 15, 2011 Behavioral Interventions and Interventions for Physically Disabled Homework: Bring a sample IEP or 504 to class on Monday. Be sure to “black out” any data that is protected by FERPA

9 Day 6—July 18, 2011 IEPs and 504s Unit and lesson planning Curriculum-based assessments

10 Day 7—July 19, 2011 Final Project – Choose one of your student profiles – Develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan for that student. Use the format of your school district or one provided – Develop a unit of instruction that includes a diagnostic, a formative, and a summative assessment. Include interventions that will make the lesson accessible for your student.

11 Day 8—July 20, 2011 Independent time – IEP Development

12 Day 9—July 21, 2011 Independent time – Unit Plan Development

13 Day 10—July 22, 2011 Final Project Due—emailed to me at by 12:15 pm!

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