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1 EUROATOM 2016-2017 Project Manager Point of View National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EUROATOM 2016-2017 Project Manager Point of View National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EUROATOM 2016-2017 Project Manager Point of View National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

2 2 General H2020 PM issues  Huge number of possibilities offered by H2020  Efficient proposal and project EC communication systems  Complicated financial procedures, formulated in difficult language; no easy way of getting binding interpretation; lack of knowledge of auditing „algotithms”.  Low motivation to embark on H2020 projects due to strongly limited salary limits (+8000 EUR/year/FTE limit). Especially perceptible in low basic salary countries from CEE National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

3 3 Specific EURATOM PM issues  Both research and networking are more difficult due to high security and safety requirements, which differ from country to country  Different „safety cultures” among different nations -> tensions among partners  Limited number of industrial partners, especially SMEs -> communities are small  Research vs. Business balance  Nuclear power is sensitive (often political and unstable) issue + low public awareness -> dissemination and sustainability are sometimes difficult National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

4 4 AGENDA National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

5 5 Agenda of short projects presentations National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

6 6 Broshures and Posters Broshures and posters were delivered by: Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Poland; Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy; Lithuanian Energy Institute, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Lithuania; PROCHEM S.A. Poland; National Centre of Public Health Moldavia; National Institute of Materials Physics Romania; IZNAB Poland; National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene Poland; Institute of Solid State Physics Latvia; Czestochowa University of Technology Poland; AGH University of Science and Technology Poland; Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity Poland; Institute of Environmental Geochemistry Ukraine National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

7 7 Broshures and Posters GTD Sistemas de Información Spain; Institute of Electron Physics Ukraine; INFN Genova, Italy National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland Jacek Gajewski

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