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Physical Science Chpt. 9 Classification of Matter –Elements –Compounds –Mixtures –Physical properties –Chemical properties.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Chpt. 9 Classification of Matter –Elements –Compounds –Mixtures –Physical properties –Chemical properties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Chpt. 9 Classification of Matter –Elements –Compounds –Mixtures –Physical properties –Chemical properties

2 Elements Atoms of the same type Found on the periodic table All matter is made of elements Pure substance—a substance in which there is only one type of particle Element—a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by physical or chemical means Elements have specific properties—density, melting point, color, hardness, texture etc. Categories of Elements Metals—shiny, conduct heat and electricity, normally solids at room temperature Nonmetals—dull, do not conduct, normally powdered solids or gases Metalloids—have properties of both metals and nonmetals

3 Compounds Made from atoms of two or more elements that are combined Must contain same amount of elements Elements don’t randomly make compounds, it is based on their electron charge Elements join in specific ratios according to mass Compounds have specific properties, like density, melting point etc…..

4 Compounds Compounds can be broken down into their elements and sometimes other simpler compounds Need energy to break them apart, chemical change

5 Substances Elements or compounds

6 Mixtures Material made up of two or more substances For example, salt water Does not have to contain the same amount mixture to mixture 70% saltwater and 30% saltwater is still a mixture of saltwater Can be separated using physical methods Like evaporation, filtering, distillation, magnet, centrifuge

7 Mixture Solution—homogenous mixture of two or more substances uniformly dispersed throughout a single phase Solute—the substance that dissolves in the solvent Solvent—the substance in which the solute dissolves Koolaid—water is solvent, solute is sugar and koolaid mix Concentration—the amount of a particular sustance in a given quantity of a mixture, solution Solubility—the ability of one substance to dissolve in another at a given temperature and pressure

8 Heterogeneous Mixtures Hetero—different Different throughout, unevenly mixed Colloid –Heterogeneous mixture –Milk, gelatin –Mixture that never settles Suspension –Heterogeneous mixture –Orange juice –Mixture that has visible particles that settle out over time

9 Homogeneous Mixture Homo—same Same throughout, evenly mixed Also called solution Remains uniform

10 Dissolving Faster Mixing Heating Crushing

11 Physical Properties/changes Characteristics of matter that you observe without changing the substance itself Melting, changes of state, color, shape, size, density, melting point, boiling point

12 Chemical Change Is a change of one substance in a material to a different substance Rusting, burning etc.

13 Chemical Property Indicates the ability to chemically change Flammable, form precipitate

14 Law of Conservation of Mass The mass of all substances before a chemical change equals the mass of all the substances remaining after the change

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