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Bible Jeopardy – Gospels Round 3 Temptation Of Jesus Cleansing The Temple Doubt & Disbelief Risen Jesus $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100.

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2 Bible Jeopardy – Gospels Round 3 Temptation Of Jesus Cleansing The Temple Doubt & Disbelief Risen Jesus $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 The Transfiguration

3 Temptation of Jesus $100 Question How many days did Jesus spend in the desert, being tempted by Satan? Correct Answer 40.

4 Question What is one way in which Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert? Correct Answer Satan tempted Jesus to: 1) turn stones into bread, 2) throw himself down from the top of the Temple, 3) worship Satan for all the kingdoms of the world. Temptation of Jesus $200

5 Question Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and (fill in the blank). Correct Answer Almsgiving (or Giving). Temptation of Jesus $300

6 Question Jesus tells us to turn away from sin during Lent by practicing the sacrament of (fill in the blank). Correct Answer Reconciliation. Temptation of Jesus $400

7 Question What did Jesus say to Satan in response to Satan asking Jesus to worship him? Temptation of Jesus $500 Correct Answer You should worship God alone.

8 Question Which three disciples ascended the mountain with Jesus? Correct Answer Peter, James and John. The Transfiguration $100

9 Question Which two prophets appeared with Jesus at the top of the mountain? Correct Answer Moses and Elijah. The Transfiguration $200

10 Question What happened to Jesus’ clothes when the two prophets appeared with him? Correct Answer They became dazzling white. The Transfiguration $300

11 Question What does the disciple Peter want to do when he sees the prophets? Correct Answer Pitch three tents on the mountain top. The Transfiguration $400

12 Question What does God’s “voice from the cloud” say to the three disciples? Correct Answer “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” The Transfiguration $500

13 Question On what Jewish holiday does Jesus go to the Temple? Correct Answer Passover. Cleansing the Temple $100

14 Question For what purpose were there vendors in the Temple selling sheep, oxen and doves? Correct Answer Animal Sacrifices. Cleansing the Temple $200

15 Question What were visitors required to pay for the upkeep of the Temple? Correct Answer The Temple Tax. Cleansing the Temple $300

16 Question What did Jesus do when he saw the Temple being used as a marketplace? Correct Answer Overturned the tables, drove the merchants from the Temple. Cleansing the Temple $400

17 Question When Jesus said, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up,” what was he really referring to? Correct Answer His Resurrection. Cleansing the Temple $500

18 Question When Jesus first appeared to the disciples after his resurrection, which disciple was missing? Correct Answer Thomas. Doubt & Disbelief $100

19 Question Finish this statement made by Jesus: “Blessed are those who have (fill in the blank).” Correct Answer Not seen, but have believed. Doubt & Disbelief $200

20 Question When Thomas saw Jesus for the first time after the Resurrection, what did he say? Correct Answer My Lord and my God! Doubt & Disbelief $300

21 Question What does the word Shalom mean? Correct Answer Peace (fulfillment, happiness and contentment). Doubt & Disbelief $400

22 Question What must a person have in order to have true peace in God’s plan and purpose for them? Correct Answer Trust Doubt & Disbelief $500

23 Question Jesus eats a piece of fish to show his disciples that he is not a (fill in the blank). Correct Answer Ghost. Risen Jesus $100

24 Question Jesus tells his disciples they are (fill in the blank) of his resurrection and of his message of repentance and forgiveness of sins. Correct Answer Witnesses Risen Jesus $200

25 Question When the disciples were frightened of Jesus, he said this to them, which we also say to each other during Mass. Correct Answer Peace Be With You. Risen Jesus $300

26 Question Jesus gave the first disciples the power and responsibility to (fill in the blank) the sins that people repent. Correct Answer Forgive. Risen Jesus $400

27 Question What gift were the disciples given the from the risen Jesus in order to move forward and preach his message? Correct Answer The Holy Spirit. Risen Jesus $500

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