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GOSPEL Old English for : Good News Not a Biography.

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Presentation on theme: "GOSPEL Old English for : Good News Not a Biography."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOSPEL Old English for : Good News Not a Biography

2 FORMATION OF THE GOSPELS Life of Jesus Oral stories of the eye witnesses Written Gospels Canon Now is a good time to review why these stories are true even though they might not be accurate!

3 Why the Gospel are TRUE even though they may not be ACCURATE Interpretations/details/translated Backstory Location chronology

4 Other Gospels????? In pieces: Mary, Peter, Thomas, Judas, Signs, Passion etc… failed to capture the hearts, minds, and imaginations of Christians Seem written later than canonical four Many not found until 1896 and 1945 Gnostics Q source (quelle German for “source”) list of sayings Thomas seems most in tact

5 Matthew: A tax collector; Jesus’ disciple? Mark: companion of Paul Luke: A Physician (maybe Paul’s) John: The “beloved” disciple, brother of James son of Zebedee


7 mark 70 AD At this time there is the destruction of the temple Written In Greek Not knowledgeable on Judaism (maybe Paul’s disciple) Much about Jesus as the Messiah Lots of miracles, lots on his death Seems to be the primary source

8 Mark seems to be “telling” what early church needs to know of Jesus Seems to be first full Gospel

9 MATTHEW AD75-85 90 Regroup of the Jews and throwing out those who believed in Jesus Written in Aramaic or Hebrew (maybe first list of sayings) Seems to dwell upon Jesus as a Jew Takes for granted all Jewish customs and knowledge must be writing for Jewish audience; trying to defend “Christians” from Pharisees

10 Matthew’s references to Jesus as Messiah The Son of God The New Moses The Son of David The Son of Abraham.

11 Example of Jewish influence he inquired of them where the [b] Messiah was to beb born. 5 They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written [c] by the prophet:c 6 ‘A ND YOU, B ETHLEHEM, LAND OF J UDAH, A RE BY NO MEANS LEAST AMONG THE LEADERS OF J UDAH ; F OR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME FORTH A R ULER W HO WILL SHEPHERD M Y PEOPLE I SRAEL.’”

12 Matthew was the practical one wanted to record Jesus’ life from eye witnesses (or followers of) correct anything Mark said or complete it trying to help establish early church

13 LUKE 80-90 Written to Theophilus made it look more like a belief system so Romans wouldn’t be suspicious Mostly Gentile audience Written in defense of establishing Christian religion Salvation Gospel Saving everyone

14 Luke focuses on Joy

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