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WG 2/3 Splinter meeting Dec. 6, 2010 ESOC Darmstadt for WG2 & WG3: D. Bockelée-Morvan C. Engrand E. Grün H. Krueger.

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Presentation on theme: "WG 2/3 Splinter meeting Dec. 6, 2010 ESOC Darmstadt for WG2 & WG3: D. Bockelée-Morvan C. Engrand E. Grün H. Krueger."— Presentation transcript:

1 WG 2/3 Splinter meeting Dec. 6, 2010 ESOC Darmstadt for WG2 & WG3: D. Bockelée-Morvan C. Engrand E. Grün H. Krueger

2 Agenda Presentation by Liaison Scientists from ESAC (NA, MK, CV) of Preliminary Skeleton Science Operations Plan –Phase A.1 : First 30 days after lander delivery Presentation by WG3 Chair (EG) : Tentative Primary Science Goals –First 30 days after lander delivery –Pre-escort phase Presentation of GD PST (Performance Simulation Tool) (Elena Mazzotta-Epifani) Splinter meeting : in situ / remote sensing instruments Action Items Open questions

3 SRE-OS Rosetta SWT #29, ESOC, 6 December 2010 Introduction (Presentation by ESAC Liaison Scientists NA, MK, CV) Project Scientist Recommendation (SWT #28): 1.Science Planning of comet phase should result from combined WGs and SGS efforts 2.Parallel activities were foreseen: Development of Science Planning System to implement, schedule, adapt, optimize and book-keeping of the skeleton plan (responsibility of development team in ESAC, ‘team visits’ last Summer/Fall were related to this activity) Feasibility Study of Science Objectives within realistic Science Operations assumptions : skeleton plan (responsibility of Working Groups/Liaison Scientists)

4 SRE-OS Rosetta SWT #29, ESOC, 6 December 2010 Demonstrate feasibility of Instrument/Mission Science Objectives within realistic operations assumptions Identify early the resource ‘Bottlenecks’ Understand if and when prioritization is unavoidable Exercise ourselves with some (high-level) science planning Rosetta (early) Comet Phase: Toward a Skeleton Plan (Presentation by ESAC Liaison Scientists NA, MK, CV) => one possible solution… => Future planning system will propose optimized solution(s) (resource minimization by proper scheduling)…

5 SRE-OS Rosetta SWT #29, ESOC, 6 December 2010 Operational Assumptions TWO MAIN PHASES FOR THE WHOLE MISSION : Phase A: a ‘pseudo-bound’ non-Keplerian orbit Nearly Terminator with stepwise radius increment ~ 30 days from 20 km to 50 km [A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4] (From Mid November 2014 till ~ end of March 2015, 2.9 AU to 2 AU) Phase B: Series of ‘flybys’ (~15) and Parking positions (April 2015 until end of mission) SWT29: SKELETON PLAN FOR PHASE A.1 : 30 DAYS November 15, 2014 - December 15, 2014, Rh = 2.9 - 2.8 AU Nearly Terminator orbit with radius 20 Km, S/C orbital period 8 days, => ~ 52 nucleus rotations over whole phase A.1 (Comet spin period 12.7 h) Resources One antenna pass per day (35 m New Norcia, ~ 2GB total DV for 30 days) Power : 460 W (RO-SGS-TN-0029 ‘Comet Phase Resources’)

6 SRE-OS Rosetta SWT #29, ESOC, 6 December 2010 General Assumptions on Planning of Observations ALL INSTRUMENTS SHOULD GET DURING THESE 30 DAYS OPPORTUNITY FOR THEIR HIGHEST PRIORITY SCIENCE The skeleton plan must use only a fraction of total DV (~ 80% ? ) Justification : leave margin for planning system to handle short term scheduling of ‘Target of Interest’ Pointing: defined by remote-sensing obs, with in-situ instruments co-riders Justification : remote-sensing request most constraining BUT will stay most of the time within 6 deg to Nadir NOTE: in-situ instruments can also define pointing on specific requests (dust ram,…) In-situ instruments are ON all the time Justification : flux derivations and high-sensitivity to temporal variability

7 Phase A.1 - Science Goals provisionnally included in Skeleton Plan Global nucleus maps at highest possible resolution for comparisons with later observation (SR, MR, VR, AL) Nucleus interior structure (CN) Characterize the nucleus environment (coma, dust, plasma properties) (VR, MR, AL, RPC, GD) In situ analysis of cometary material (CS, GD, MD, RN) Connect Orbiter Observations to Lander measurements (e.g. Philae landmark) (complementary instr. TBD) Identify & study active areas and specific landmarks (Most instruments) Allow for the unexpected… Adapted from WG3 presentation

8 Example of segmentation of orbit (LS – PIs): in progress (example of first 2 orbits)  To be checked and completed in agreement w/ PIs (e.g. repartition of resources to be checked and discussed, RSI to be implemented…)  Resource bottlenecks w/ only ONE Antenna : Data Volume (DV)  Operational bottleneck : CN cannot operate w/ all monitoring instruments (GD, RN, RPC)

9 Conclusions of joint WG2/3 and in situ/remote sensing splinter meetings Skeleton Plan for Terminator Orbit Phase A1 : –List of observations still incomplete. Examples : RSI missing (need Earth based station), calibration observations (Remote Sensing instruments)… –Resource requirements to be completed for each individual observation. –link observation to science (Science Themes, Science Objectives, Detailed Science Objectives). Terminator orbit is not optimum for several Science Objectives (nucleus mapping, in situ dust and gas characterization…) Study resources needed and science objectives for : –a circular non-Terminator orbit rotated ~ 30 deg. around North pole –a close fly-by  Feasibility study from FD needed! Request for pre-escort science (if allowed by Lander safety) –Examples : SR (distant observations of big particles environment), RPC, RN (solar wind comet interface), CS & MD (dust collection and analysis)

10 Action Items Pre-Escort phase: Observation requests with Science Objectives and measurement details to be provided by PI teams to WG2/3 & WG1 Chairs and LS Phase A.1: Observation requests with Science Objectives and measurement details to be provided by PI teams to WG2/3 Chairs and LS for : –Terminator orbit (in progress) –Precessed orbit by ~ 30° –Flyby trajectory  Interaction WG – LS to optimize science and sequence of operation  Input from FD needed

11 Open questions Organisation LS - WG2/3? –Now : implementation of operation sequence design by direct interaction between LS and PI teams –Later : use of planning system (SGS) => when&how to incorporate science? Science prioritization ? (DV bottlenecks) –Needed? (additional antenna requests?) –How to do it? Definition of the role of WG 2&3 in the future? –Coordination of science during operation sequence Input from FD needed!

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